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Cybionet - Ugly Codes Division


Here is a sshd_config configuration file for the SSHD service annotate according to Cybionet standards.


  • Complies with STIG recommendations
  • Complies with Cisofy recommendations
  • Complies with RHEL CCE recommendations
  • Verification done with ssh-audit for
    • Key exchange algorithms
    • Host-key algorithms
    • Encryption algorithms
    • Message authentication code algorithms
  • And a lot of useful comments in the configuration.
  • Uses a restricted group to allow the user to login via SSH.


  1. Create the restricted group.
sudo groupadd restricted
  1. Then add your user to this group.
sudo usermod -a -G restricted yourusername
  1. Add a sudoers file to allow restricted group to use sudo command.
sudo vim /etc/sudoers.d/restricted

and put this line in the file.

# Allow all user in restricted group to sudo for all commands.
%restricted ALL=(ALL) ALL
  1. TEST!! Don't disconnect your SSH session, and try to establish a new SSH connection to see if everything work fine.


Use Google-Authenticator or a SSH Key with the SSH service to improve its security.