Django base
basic Django project image to easy and quickly run up, using Docker, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap 4 and JQuery.
Run the project
To run the project in a local enviroment, follow next steps:
- Install Docker.
Download Docker from the offical website and install it.
- Clone the project.
Clone the project code locally using Git:
git clone
- Build the Docker image
Make sure that Docker is running. Move to the root project folder and run the following command:
docker-compose build
- Run the project
Run the following command to run the project:
docker-compose up
Now you can navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser and you will see a Django project runing.
Python 3.6.0
Django 2.0
PostgreSQL 10.1
Bootstrap 4
Jquery 3.2.1
keep in mind
If you will to create your own git repository, move to project root and remove the .git/ folder configuration running the following comand:
rm -rf .git/
It's amazing if you want to contribute. Please create your pull requests from your own branch to development branch.
Change the name of the root folder from django_base to your project name, and go to docker-compose.yml and edit image names from djangobase to your project name.
If you have any suggestion or you want to contribute, I want to recommend you register it on
How was this repository built?
- Step by step guide to create a django_base project repository
- Pasos para crear el repositorio django_base
How setup a new Django project?