
This HTTP-API documentation is what I got from reverse engineering the nextbike app.

There are two different apps:

A web view based app which was discontinued. The interface is still available, though. It's a monolithic javascript web app, performing ajax requests to an API. They use xml format (with .xml endings) for the most requests (although similar functionality is given when changing the suffix to .json)

A native app, which replaces the 1. app since version 4.x (probably).

Base URL and Versioning

All the API versions listed here seem to deliver the same functionality (unconfirmed).

Obtaing API key

It seems as they use hardcoded API keys in their new, (probably) native app. In the old webview based app, the endpoint returns a key that is always the same. Maybe they change it when bumping versions in the app or regularly in the webview endpoint.

You can either get the the api key via the endpoint or use the hardcoded one.

Get API Key

Returns API key as JSON


Logs user in and returns user info and server time

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Form Data Params

    • apikey=[string]
    • mobile=[integer]
    • pin=[integer]
    • show_errors=[integer]
  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
    • Content:
        "rfid_uids":[ "" ],
        "ticket_ids":[ ],
        "subscriptions":[ ],
        "partner_ids":[ ],
        "partners":[ ],
        "screen_name":"<user's name>",
        "accepted_terms":[ "de" ],
        "required_actions":[ ],
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 404
    • Content: {"server_time":1543957338,"error":{"code":1,"message":"user not found or login failed"}}
  • Sample Call:

    curl -X POST -F 'mobile=023421337' -F 'pin=666421' -F 'apikey=rXXqT**ZUP**9l**' -F 'show_errors=1'

Rent bike

Starts rental of bike and returns bike data

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Form Data Params

    • apikey=[string]
    • bike=[integer]
    • loginkey=[string]
    • show_errors: [integer]
  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
    • Content:
            "bike":"<bike number>",
            "lock_types":[ "fork_lock" ],
            "code":"<lock code>",
            "start_place_name":"Kurt-Schumacher-Ring (Campus Ost)",
            "customer_rfids":[ ],
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 404
    • Content: {"server_time":1543959093,"error":{"code":2,"message":"bike %s not found"}}
  • Sample Call:

    curl -X POST -F 'apikey=rXXqT**ZUP**9l**' -F 'bike=<bike number>' -F 'loginkey=<loginkey>' -F 'show_errors=1'

Return Bike

Ends rental at given station

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Form Data Params

    • apikey=[string]
    • loginkey=[string]
    • bike=[integer]
    • comment: [string] note: for experience
    • place: [integer] this OR "station", note: somewhat internal station id
    • station: [integer] this OR "place", note: the actual id written on the station
    • show_errors: [integer]
  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
    • Content:
            "bike":"<bike number>",
            "lock_types":[ "fork_lock" ],
            "code":"<lock code>",
            "start_place_name":"Kurt-Schumacher-Ring (Campus Ost)",
            "end_place_name":"Kurt-Schumacher-Ring (Campus Ost)",
  • Sample Call:

    curl -X POST -F 'apikey=rXXqT**ZUP**9l**' -F 'bike=<bike number>' -F 'loginkey=<loginkey>' -F 'comment=Lock+broken' -F 'place=<station number>' -F 'show_errors=1'

Get Active Rentals

Provides a list of your current rentals.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Form Data Params

    • apikey=[string]
    • loginkey=[string]
    • show_errors: [integer]
  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
    • Content:
                "bike":"<bike number>",
                "code":"<lock code>",
  • Sample Call:

    curl -X POST -F 'apikey=rXXqT**ZUP**9l**' -F 'loginkey=<loginkey>' -F 'show_errors=1'

Map Discovery

Map endpoint has list of all the bikes

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Params



  • Sample Call:


Other known endpoints

Reverse engineered from native (?) app:

  • api/v1.1/vcnGetOffers.json
  • api/v1.1/vcnGetOffers.json
  • api/v1.1/vcnGetEnrollmentUrl.json
  • api/v1.1/vcnUnenroll.json
  • api/v1.1/acceptAgreement.json
  • api/v1.1/getAgreementDataForDomain.json
  • api/v1.1/getFlexzones.json
  • api/v1.1/getUserDetails.json
  • api/v1.1/login.json
  • /api/v1.1/booking.json
  • /api/v1.1/cancelBooking.json
  • api/v1.1/sendErrorReport.json
  • api/v1.1/getUnlockLinks.json
  • api/v1.1/getBikeState.json
  • api/v1.1/getAvailablePartners.json
  • api/v1.1/getPaymentLinks.json
  • api/v1.1/getRentalDetails.json
  • api/v1.1/getUserDetails.json
  • api/v1.1/infoFeed.json
  • api/v1.1/infoFeed.json
  • api/v1.1/getNews.json
  • api/v1.1/getNews.json
  • api/v1.1/openLock.json
  • api/v1.1/rentalBreak.json
  • api/v1.1/pinRecover.json
  • api/v1.1/register.json
  • api/v1.1/rent.json
  • /api2/rent.json
  • api/v1.1/rentals.json
  • api/v1.1/return.json
  • api/v1.1/return.json
  • api/v1.1/setAdId.json
  • api/v1.1/addAppMessageId.json
  • api/v1.1/updateRental.json
  • api/v1.1/updateRental.json
  • api/v1.1/getBranding.json
  • maps/nextbike-live.json?list_cities=1
  • maps/nextbike-live.json?bikes=0
  • maps/nextbike-live.json?bikes=0
  • maps/nextbike-live.json?bikes=0
  • api/v1.1/getPlaceDetails.json