
Information Extraction with LLM

Primary LanguagePython

IE with LLM


  1. python >= 3.10.0
  2. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/cyc9805/IE-with-LLM.git
cd ie_llm
  1. Install python requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt


There are two settings for training: instruction-tuning to IE dataset / training with denoising task

  1. Before instruction-tuning to IE dataset, you can customize the following configuration file:
vi configs/train/ie_configuration.jsonl 

Then, you can start training:

cd run_script/train
sh ie.sh
  1. Before training with denoising task, you can customize the following configuration file:
vi configs/train/denoising_configuration.jsonl 

Then, you can start trainig:

cd run_script/train
sh denoising.sh


There are two settings for testing: instruction-tuning to IE dataset / training with denoising task

  1. Before testing model that is instruction-tuned to IE dataset, you can customize the following configuration file:
vi configs/test/ie_configuration.jsonl 

Then, you can start testing:

cd run_script/test
sh ie.sh
  1. Before testing model trained with denoising task, you can customize the following configuration file:
vi configs/test/denoising_configuration.jsonl 

Then, you can start testing:

cd run_script/test
sh denoising.sh


In configuration files, there are a few important configurations to take care of:

  • dataset_name: Name of the dataset. When performing instruction-tuning to IE dataset, it should be set to dialog_re. Otherwise, it should be set to one of [dialog_re, c4]
  • model_name: To utilize prefix attention, it should be set to ie_llm. Otherwise, it supports llama3 and llama3-instruct.
  • train_mode: If set to True, it performs training. Otherwise, it performs testing.
  • peft_type: lora is the only supported PEFT method right now.
  • peft_ckpt_dir: To resume training or testing with previously trained PEFT model, provdie the directory to the adapter checkpoint. Otherwise, set to null.
  • prefix_lm_mode: The prefix attention used in IE with LLM currently has 4 different modes:
    1. only_input_text: This mode enables full attention to user prompt.
    2. only_system_prompt: This mode enables full attention to system prompt.
    3. all: This mode enables full attention to both system prompt and user prompt.
    4. null: Disable prefix attention.
  • task: Task should be one of [closed_ie, open_ie, denoising].
  • evaluation_metrics: This should be a list containing elements from [f1, perplexity]. For example, if set to [f1], f1 score is used as a metric for evaluation.
  • model_dtype: This should be on of [bf16, fp16, default].
  • output_dir: Directory to the folder where the result is saved.
  • cache_file_name: Name of the dataset cache file.

The remaining configurations are identical to that of huggingface trainer.