
An easier way to call Wechat share on a web page.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Weixin Share

NPM version David deps devDependencies Status npm download jsdelivr npm license

  • An easier way to call Wechat share on a web page. Releases

This package has been deprecated

This package has been migrated to @cycjimmy/weixin-share for scoped NPM package. Please switch to @cycjimmy/weixin-share to stay up to date.

How to use


# via npm
$ npm install weixin-share --save

# via yarn
$ yarn add weixin-share


import WxShare from 'weixin-share';
# OR
let WxShare = require('weixin-share');
new WxShare()
  • Function:

    • config(): Set Wechat JS-SDK Config.
    • setReadyCallBack(): Set CallBack function on Wechat Config Ready.
    • setDefaultShare(): Set Default Share Config.
    • setShareSuccessCallBack(): Set CallBack function on success of Share. discard above Wechat 6.7.2 and JSSDK 1.4.0
    • share(): Run Main Task of Share. It returns Promise<any>. If using a chained call, please note the sequence.
    • backToDefault(): Back To Default Share Config.
  • Params:

    • wechatJSSDKConfig: [Require][Object] Wechat JS-SDK Config.
      • debug: [Option][Boolean] Default false.
      • appId: [Require][String]
      • timestamp: [Require][Number | String]
      • nonceStr: [Require][String]
      • signature: [Require][String]
      • jsApiList: [Option][Array<String>] Default ['onMenuShareTimeline', 'onMenuShareAppMessage', 'onMenuShareQQ', 'onMenuShareQZone', 'onMenuShareWeibo', 'updateAppMessageShareData', 'updateTimelineShareData']
    • wechatConfigReadyCallBack: [Option][Function] CallBack function on Wechat Config Ready.
    • defaultShare: [Option][Object] Default Share Config.
      • title: [Option][String] Set share title.
      • desc: [Option][String] Set share description.
      • link: [Option][String] Set share link URL.
      • imgUrl: [Option][String] Set URL of Share icon.
    • shareConfig: [Option][Object] Share Config.
      • See defaultShare Params.
  • Wechat Official Wiki

Use in browser

<script src="WxShare.min.js"></script>
  new WxShare()
      appId: [appId],
      timestamp: [timestamp],
      nonceStr: [nonceStr],
      signature: [signature]
      title: [share title],
      desc: [share desc],
      link: [share link],
      imgUrl: [share imgUrl]


To use via a CDN include this in your HTML:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/weixin-share@1/build/WxShare.min.js"></script>