
This role installs and configures backups for several applications like elasticsearch and mongodb.

No global requirements. It will depend of what type of backup you want. See specific Requirements section for each backup type.

The only things you need is to specify backup_type variable to define what kind of backup you want to setup.

This role also installs restore procedures, in order to be able to restore a previous backup (possibly from another environment, allowing syncing prod to preprod). To only install the restore part, use restore_only: true.


For now on elasticsearch don't provide a "retention policy" feature for snapshots. So we are using the python module elasticsearch-curator and/or s3 bucket lifecyle policy to do the job (

Elasticsearch index snapshot process is incremental. In the process of making the index snapshot Elasticsearch analyses the list of the index files that are already stored in the repository and copies only files that were created or changed since the last snapshot. When a snapshot is deleted from a repository, Elasticsearch deletes all files that are associated with the deleted snapshot and not used by any other snapshots. (

We choose to have one distinct full backup by week. So by default the backup behavior is :

  • Create a directory inside the bucket with name : %Y-week-%V (year number and ISO week number).
  • Do the backup.
  • Next backup will create new directory inside the bucket s3 if we change year or month.

So if you configure the cron to run snapshot command every days, the expected behavior is :

  • Each day elasticsearch do a new incremental snapshot.
  • Each week, the script will create a new directory. So we do a new independant full backup each week.

Additionally to this, you can use the backup_es_retention to limite the number of snapshot by directory (backup_es_s3_path). For example if you do one backup per hour and want to keep only hour snapshot for the last 3 days.


We are using elasticsearch-cloud-aws plugin to backup on s3 bucket. So ensure configured AWS credentials for this plugin (

Exemple with aloysius.elasticsearch ansible role :

    - role: aloysius.elasticsearch
      es_etc: "..." "..." "..."

The default cron command for backup use cronlock. For Cycloid cronlock is provided by the ansible-base role. If you don't want cronlock, just override the backup_es_cron variable.

Last thing, to configure the s3 bucket lifecycle policy, this playbook use aws-cli. You should ensure the ssh user used to run the playbook is able to do aws commands on the bucket.

Role Variables


Name and region of the bucket to use for backups on s3

backup_es_bucket_name: foo
backup_es_bucket_region: us-east-1


Enable the validate task callback to check if the role setup succeded

validate_task: true

Limite the age of snapshot inside the backup_es_s3_path directory. The retention command is called after each backups. Default 0 disabled (

  unit: days
  value: 0

The retention part if you have a dynamic backup_es_s3_path can be handle with s3 lifecycle policy :

# Example one : Every file in the s3 bucket will be removed after 365 days.
  permanently_delete: 365
  glacier_transition: 0

# Example two : Every file myprefix* will be send on glacier after 60 days. And deleted from glacier after 365 days.
  prefix: "myprefix"
  permanently_delete: 365
  glacier_transition: 60

S3 subdirectory name. You can use bash command inside with '. backup script ensure the directory exist at each backup. If not it will create this directory. The default example will ensure we have a new directory every week.

backup_es_s3_path: "elasticsearch-'$(date +%Y-week-%V)'"

Configure the cron commands for the backup job.

    minute: "0"
    hour: "3"

Command for backup and retention inside the script :

backup_es_backup_cmd: "/usr/local/bin/curator snapshot --ignor_...
backup_es_retention_cmd: "/usr/local/bin/curator delete snapsho...

Example :

    - role: ansible-backup
      validate_task: true # Run the validator
      backup_type: elasticsearch
      backup_es_bucket_name: "{{ backup_es_bucket_name }}"
      backup_es_bucket_region: "{{ aws_default_region }}"


Based on You should follow if you have a big shard cluster.


To upload mongodb dump on s3 bucket, this role use aws-cli. It's important that you configured aws-cli for the user who will launch the cron backup command. For example you can use a .boto file. (

The default cron command for backup use cronlock. For Cycloid cronlock is provided by the ansible-base role. If you don't want cronlock, just override the backup_mongo_cron variable.

Role Variables


backup_mong_project: probably identical to the project name backup_mongo_bucket_name


Enable the validate task callback to check if the role setup succeded

validate_task: true

Backup cron for mongodb dump

  name: snapshot
  job: "/usr/bin/cronlock ...
  minute: "0"
  hour: "3"
  day: "*"
  month: "*"
  weekday: "*"

Do a lock during mongodump ( Default false

backup_mongo_with_lock: false

Configure directory on the machine and s3 for the backup. Local backup is deleted after the upload in s3.

backup_mongo_local_path: /home/admin/backups/mongodb
backup_mongo_s3_path: mongo

Configure the mongodb backup script commands :

backup_mongo_lock_cmd: /usr/bin/mongo admin --eval "printjson(db.fsyncLock())"
backup_mongo_unlock_cmd: /usr/bin/mongo admin --eval "printjson(db.fsyncUnlock())"
backup_mongo_cmd: /usr/bin/mongodump --oplog --out {{ backup_mongo_local_path }}

Configure backup retention handled by s3 bucket lifecycle policy :

# Example one : Every file in the s3 bucket will be removed after 365 days.
  permanently_delete: 365
  glacier_transition: 0

# Example two : Every file myprefix* will be send on glacier after 60 days. And deleted from glacier after 365 days.
  prefix: "myprefix"
  permanently_delete: 365
  glacier_transition: 60

Example :

    - role: ansible-backup
      validate_task: true # Run the validator
      backup_type: mongodb
      backup_mongo_bucket_name: "{{ backup_mongo_bucket_name }}"



To upload postgresql dump on s3 bucket, this role use aws-cli. It's important that you configured aws-cli for the user who will launch the cron backup command. For example you can use a .boto file. (

The default cron command for backup use cronlock. For Cycloid cronlock is provided by the ansible-base role. If you don't want cronlock, just override the backup_postgresql_cron variable.

Role Variables


Name of the bucket to use for the upload backup

  • backup_postgresql_bucket_name

Credentials to connect to postgresql

  • backup_postgresql_password
  • backup_postgresql_host
  • backup_postgresql_user


Enable the validate task callback to check if the role setup succeded

validate_task: true

Backup cron for postgresqldb dump

  name: snapshot
  job: "/usr/bin/cronlock ...
  minute: "0"
  hour: "3"
  day: "*"
  month: "*"
  weekday: "*"

Configure directory on the machine and s3 for the backup. Local backup is deleted after the upload in s3.

backup_postgresql_local_path: /home/admin/backups/postgresql
backup_postgresql_s3_path: postgresql

Configure the postgresql backup script commands :

backup_postgresql_cmd: PGPASSWORD={{ backup_postgresql_password }} pg_dump -b -h {{ backup_postgresql_host }} -U {{ backup_postgresql_user }} -Fc $DB > {{ backup_postgresql_local_path }}/$DB.bin

Configure backup retention handled by s3 bucket lifecycle policy :

# Example one : Every file in the s3 bucket will be removed after 365 days.
  permanently_delete: 365
  glacier_transition: 0

# Example two : Every file myprefix* will be send on glacier after 60 days. And deleted from glacier after 365 days.
  prefix: "myprefix"
  permanently_delete: 365
  glacier_transition: 60

Example :

    - role: ansible-backup
      validate_task: true # Run the validator
      backup_type: postgresql
      backup_postgresql_bucket_name: "{{ backup_postgresql_bucket_name }}"
      backup_postgresql_password: password
      backup_postgresql_user: foo



To upload mysql dump on s3 bucket, this role use aws-cli. It's important that you configured aws-cli for the user who will launch the cron backup command. For example you can use a .boto file. (

The default cron command for backup use cronlock. For Cycloid cronlock is provided by the ansible-base role. If you don't want cronlock, just override the backup_postgresql_cron variable.

Role Variables


Name of the bucket to use for the upload backup

  • backup_mysql_bucket_name

Credentials to connect to postgresql

  • backup_mysql_password
  • backup_mysql_host
  • backup_mysql_user


Database to backup if is not set the playbook will backup all databases

  • backup_mysql_database

Override mysqldump options

  • backup_mysql_options: "--single-transaction --routines --events --triggers"

Enable the validate task callback to check if the role setup succeded

validate_task: true

Backup cron for mysql db dump

  name: snapshot
  job: "/usr/bin/cronlock ...
  minute: "0"
  hour: "3"
  day: "*"
  month: "*"
  weekday: "*"

Configure directory on the machine and s3 for the backup. Local backup is deleted after the upload in s3.

backup_mysql_local_path: /home/admin/backups/mysql
backup_mysql_s3_path: mysql

Configure the mysql backup script commands :

backup_mysql_cmd: mysqldump --host={{ backup_mysql_host }} --user {{ backup_mysql_user }} --password={{ backup_mysql_password }} {{ backup_mysql_options }} {{ backup_mysql_database | default('--all-databases') }} > {{ backup_mysql_local_path }}/backup.sql

Configure backup retention handled by s3 bucket lifecycle policy :

# Example one : Every file in the s3 bucket will be removed after 365 days.
  permanently_delete: 365
  glacier_transition: 0

# Example two : Every file myprefix* will be send on glacier after 60 days. And deleted from glacier after 365 days.
  prefix: "myprefix"
  permanently_delete: 365
  glacier_transition: 60

Example :

    - role: ansible-backup
      validate_task: true # Run the validator
      backup_type: mysql
      backup_mysql_bucket_name: "{{ backup_mysql_bucket_name }}"
      backup_mysql_password: password
      backup_mysql_user: foo

Restore/sync playbooks

To make it easier to restore or sync databases, you may create independant playbooks to be executed on the Bastion, in order to run the restore script. This script may take different arguments, depending on the database type and on the needs. Common arguments are:

  • -e to restore from another environment
  • -f to define a filter (in order to restore an older archive)

The filter is simply a "grep" on the archives list, the script then takes the most recent archive matching the filter.

Example for a "mysql restore" playbook:

- hosts: tag_role_front:&tag_project_website:&tag_env_{{ env }}
  become: yes

    - name: Restore MySQL database
      shell: /usr/bin/
        - mysql_restore
      run_once: true

Example for a "mysql sync from prod" playbook:

- hosts: tag_role_front:&tag_project_website:&tag_env_{{ env }}
  become: yes

    - name: Sync MySQL database from prod
      shell: /usr/bin/ -e prod
        - mysql_restore
      run_once: true

Example for a "mongodb sync from prod" playbook:

- hosts: tag_role_mongodb:&tag_project_website:&tag_env_{{ env }}
  become: yes

    - name: Sync MongoDB database from prod
      shell: /usr/bin/ -d my_db_prod -t my_db_{{ env }} -e prod
        - mongo_restore
      run_once: true

Example for a "mysql restore" playbook which takes a filter as an argument:

- hosts: tag_role_front:&tag_project_website:&tag_env_{{ env }}
  become: yes

    - name: Restore MySQL database with filter {{ filter }}
      shell: /usr/bin/ -f {{ filter }}
        - mysql_restore
      run_once: true

This last playbook can be run with the following command, to restore the backup archive from 25/11/2017:

ansible-playbook mysql-restore.yml -e "env=prod filter=2017-11-25"

Playbooks to list archives

The * scripts, deployed on the servers, allow listing the available backup archives.

To be able to get the archives list on the bastion, you may create a playbook this way:

- hosts: tag_role_front:&tag_project_website:&tag_env_{{ env }}
  become: yes

    - shell:/usr/bin/
      register: list
    - debug: msg={{ list.stdout_lines }}         

or, for MongoDB:

- hosts: tag_role_mongo:&tag_project_website:&tag_env_{{ env }}
  become: yes

    - shell:/usr/bin/
      register: list
    - debug: msg={{ list.stdout_lines }}         

You can use the -e argument when calling the shellscript, in order to list backups from another environment. However, listing prod archives from a preprod server gives exactly the same output than listing prod achives from a prod server: there is no real use in changing the environment when called from a playbook, where you can set the environment at a higher level.

Be careful: the list includes archives stored in Glacier; older ones may need to be put out of Glacier before you are able to restore from them.


All backup types are self tested. After run the role, you can specify to automatically call the validate task callback with the validate_task variable.

To simplify the task, we are using to test our ansible roles. Our kitchen test configuration use environment variable to allow the CI to configure the ansible playbook.

For the elasticsearch s3 backup, you have to provide all bucket informations to be able to test it :

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
export S3_BUCKET_NAME=...

Note : You also can add extra ansible command args with ANSIBLE_EXTRA_FLAGS environment variable.
