
flask simple auth system to use with any thing like iOS app web app and crosplatform app.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Login Register Form with Flask + SQLAlchemy

I have just created this simple python flask auth system for learning purpose so that you can implement it in flutter as well as in web for learning purpose.


pip install flask
pip install SQLAlchemy

Testing Command

For Registering account from terminal

replace username email@provider.com and password with the actual values

CURL -X POST -d "uname=username&mail=email@provider.com&passw=password" 

if Status is equal to 11 it mean successfully created account if 22 it mean username already exist

replace username with email@provider.com and passw with password

CURL -X POST -d "uname=username&passw=password" 

if Status is equal to 11 it mean successfully login if 22 it mean username or password is incorrect