
A markdown viewer and editor on the same page.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to markdown-editor

This markdown-editor is a 99% client-side javascript viewer and editor for markdown.

Why 1% missing. Because when you finished to edit your document you can upload it directly to your web server.

It can easily be used to powered client-side Javascript Web site. Jump to the demo.

How to compile ?

Just clone the repository and run the compile.sh provided script file.

git clone git@github.com:cyd01/markdown-editor.git
cd markdown-editor

It produces a new file install.php. Just upload it on your web site and call it.

How does it work ?

The index.html page embed at the same time

  • the client-side markdown to html renderer
  • the markdown editor

Markdown file are read directly from the directory.

Example: this README page is read from a README.md file near the index.html main file.

Here are the editor shortcuts

  • To switch from page viewer to page editor, just triple-click
  • To swith between plain text or base64 press ATL+b
  • To clear local storage press ALT+c
  • To protect the page with password ALT+p
  • To revert current changes press ALT+r
  • To save the page press ALT+s
  • To change style sheet press ALT+t
  • To print help page press ALT+F1 or ALT+z
  • To switch back to the viewer press escape key

Special features


Parameter Description Example
data the base64 encoded text example
engine the markdown rendering engine choose between markedjs, mardown-it and showdown (markdown-it is the default)
style choose a embedded style see below for the embedded sytles list

Special startup tags

Use Markdown comments to define special page settings at the very start of the page:

Comment Description
[//]: # (title:This is the title) Define the page title
[//]: # (style:css/united) Define the page style
[//]: # (icon:coffee.ico) Define the favicon page
[//]: # (readonly) Force read only page

Integrated special emoji

Emojis from this markdown emojis page is included.

Example: use this special tag :coffee­: to print this emoji ☕

Special Markdown-it features

With markdown-it some new features are available, such as:

  • Subscript: H2O (H~2~O)
  • Superscript: 29^th^ (29^th^)
  • ++Inserted text++ (++Inserted text++)
  • ==Marked text== (==Marked text==)
  • Abbreviations (*[Abbreviations]: This is an abbreviation)
  • footnotes^[Text of inline footnote] (^[Text of inline footnote]) *[Abbreviations]: This is an abbreviation

Integrated themes

Some style are already embedded into markdown-editor:

Integrated mermaid

It is possible ton include mermaid diagram.

The mermaid code

``` mermaid
graph TD
  A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
  B -->C{Let me think}
  C -->|One| D[Laptop]
  C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
  C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]

will produce the graph

For further informations See mermaid online editor

More examples

Follow this page to see examples mixing markdown and HTML.