
Want to play with your friends but don't have a second gamepad lying around? Grab your phone and this piece of software to emulate a gamepad.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Browser Emulated Gamepad

Want to play with your friends but don't have a second gamepad lying around? Grab your phone and this piece of software to emulate a gamepad.

It is by no means a real replacement for an ordinary gamepad but if you need a gamepad real quick this should do it.


Not all games need all buttons and since there is not so much space on some phone screens you can choose from on of the following button sets:

Name Left Stick A B X Y LB RB RS LT RT
Unrailed X X X
Escapist X X X X X X X X X X

I will add more mappings as I try out more games.


  1. Install .Net: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/
  2. Install ViGEmBus: https://github.com/ViGEm/ViGEmBus#installation
  3. Run dotnet restore


  1. Run dotnet run
  2. A new browser window will open, showing you a QR code
  3. Scan the code with your phone and select a button mapping
  4. Wreck your friends

Tested with dotnet version 3.1.302