
An ESPHome configuration file with a built-in brute-force prevention timer for communicating with various wiegand readers


An ESPHome configuration file with a built-in brute-force prevention timer for communicating with various wiegand readers


Some Wiegand readers use non-"standard" communication protocols. (Worth noting is that there is no "standard" per se, but some protocols are more common than others.)

This keypad is one such device.

It uses an 8-bit communication protocol for keystrokes, with the numbers pressed expressed by the 4 LSB.

This ESPHome configuration aims to provide support for such devices. It also has the bonus feature of internally limiting the RFID/keypad read frequency to once every 5 seconds after the initial read, in order to limit the success rate of brute-force attacks.


Paste the configuration file into your ESPHome interface. Change the various parameters as needed.

Known Issues.

  • The device may not respond if the ESP32 was reset by an OTA update, this seems to be a keypad specific issue, and may not happen with your hardware. Power-cycling the device can usually fix this.
  • Sometimes, ESPHome compiles the code just fine, but the binary file may not link. When this happens, use the "Clean Build Files" option in ESPHome and compile again.

Experiencing Problems?

Feel free to open a GitHub issue. Please provide a log file of the reader's output and clearly describe the issue that you are facing. I will try my best to assist.
