Sample Data EDA

Data Structure

This repository contains a sample_breaches.csv data file containing cyber breach information (this is simulated data, not live customer information). The schema for the file is:

column description
id Unique record identifier
affected_count Number of data records involved in the breach
total_amount Dollar cost of the breach
naic_sector Two digit NAICS code of the industry sector
naic_national_industry Full six-digit NAICS code for the breached company
sector Text description of the naic_sector field
breach_date Date the breach occurred
cause High level summary of the cause of the breach


At Cyentia, we use R and the Tidyverse for our work. Please do not spend more than 1 or 2 hours on this and deliver your output as a static, non-interactive notebook. When appropriate please highlight your data visualization skills.

Overall, we're interested in analysis to support cyber risk management. For example, frequency of events, magnitude of losses per event, trends over time or per sector, anything you think may help an organiations make better decisions around the cyber risk landscape. Include your thoughts on future areas of research, if you had more time to pursue them (again, spending no more than 1-2 hours).

Please provide us the final notebook to us, preferably as a forked github repository.