
CLI password manager

Primary LanguageGo

Pwm - password manager

This is just for me, I don't encourage anyone to use it.


I really like KeepassXC, but copying/adding passwords is something that I want to perform very quick, BLAZINGLY FAST.

And I think it can be done better by terminal-based program, though, everything else is kind of sucks in terminal-based programs, but that's another story.

There is the pass bash script on Linux available, and I like the idea behind it , but I use Windows, so I've created pwm.

How it works

In general, like the pass program - it keeps each password in an encrypted file. Encryption is done by Protonmail's Openpgp library.

Also, for each password you can set meta-information (like logins, urls, whatever). Meta information is encrypted too, and saved with the .meta file extension.

All passwords are kept in the "Store" - a directory in your home dir. On Windows, it's in C:\\Users\Username\pwm.

Usage examples

Add new password:

pwm add email-gmail

Add new password and additional meta-information:

pwm add email-gmail -m "email: myEmail@gmail.com"

Show list of passwords:

pwm ls

Show list of passwords which satisfy specified search filter:

pwm ls -f email

Copy password to the clipboard:

pwm copy email-gmail

Copy password using a file with masterkey:

pwm copy email-gmail -i key.txt

Show password:

pwm show email-gmail

Show password using a file with masterkey:

pwm show email-gmail -i key.txt

Show meta-information:

pwm show email-gmail.meta

Update password:

pwm upd email-gmail

Update meta-information:

pwm upd email-gmail.meta