Docker Demo Pull

Demo of pulling app image from the Docker Registry and running it with an nginx proxy.

Even if you don't have the docker-demo image locally, docker-compose will pull it down for you.


  • docker-compose.yml - Tells Docker compose to run the cyface/docker-demo image, and run nginx as a proxy in front.
  • nginx.conf - configuration file for the nginx image - overlays the config file in the image when it runs.


  • docker-compose up - starts django and nginx
  • You can browse to http://localhost
  • Try changing the port in nginx.conf to 50000
    • Then stop docker-compose with ctrl-c
    • Start it again with docker-compose up
  • Then browse to http://localhost:50000

Notes on docker-compose.yml

  • This overlays the file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf in the container with the local file nginx.conf in read only (ro) mode:
  • volumes:
    • ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro

This ensures that django starts before nginx:

  • depends_on:
    • django

Notes on nginx.conf:

  • The events section is required, but does nothing in this case.
  • The http section tells nginx to listen on all IP addresses and host names on port 80.
  • The proxy passes all traffic back to Django on port 8000 for everything under /.
  • The hostname django is created automatically by docker-compose because that is what the service name in docker-compose.yml is.