
A repository of the 10 million live most popular websites

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A repository of the 10 million live most popular websites

This list was compiled from many different sources that had compiled their own most requested sites from DNS servers. Many of these sources were out of date (Alexa 1 million) and many domains listed were no longer alive. Some were newer like project Umbrella. What no one has done is collate all of them into a gigantic list and then sorted, currated, and weeded down that list to live current websites. So, We have compiled together all these sources we could find and came out more than 15,000,000 unique domains. We then scanned every single one of them for working webservers.

This list is the result of that filtering and scanning. All 10,063,833 of them.

Use this for good!

I should just warn you that some of the sites may fall under adult content or even content that you and I may not like or agree with. We are not the content makers or owners, this list is JUST domain names, what you find is up to you. Feel free to censor or filter domains as you see fit. We take no liability for you visiting sites you should not.