
Local Planning Explorer Ireland

Primary LanguagePHP

Local Planning Explorer Ireland

A joint submission to the Open Data Challenge 2011 by:

  • DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland (main contact: Michael Hausenblas)
  • Local Government Computer Services Board, Ireland (main contact: Tim Willoughby)
  • Fingal County Council, Ireland (main contact: Dominic Byrne)
  • Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (main contact: Anja Jentzsch)

What is the app about?

Allows to be notified about planning applications throughout Ireland (via feed or Twitter) as well as to understand historical developments.


This software is Public Domain.

Data preparation

# Scrape DublinCity
@@@ jobs/scrape_DublinCity.php -- need to script it
# Scrape GalwayCo
@@@ jobs/scrape_GalwayCo.php -- need to script it
# Clean LGCSB dump
setup/clean-applications.rb data/GPlan_Metadata.txt > data/applications.csv

Application Setup

# Initialize database
mysql -u root -p < schema.sql
mysql -u root -p < councils.sql

# Import archive data
php jobs/import_fingal_csv.php
php jobs/import_scraperwiki.php --initial
find data -name "GalwayCo*.csv" | xargs -n 1 jobs/import_GalwayCo.php
cd data
mysql -u root -p gplan < import-lgcsb-applications.sql
mysql -u root -p gplan < import-DublinCity.sql

Deploying to the live server

Only for admins obviously … You need to be in the DERI VPN.

ssh planning-apps.opendata.ie
cd /var/www/planning-apps.opendata.ie
git pull


# Daily
php jobs/import_fingal_csv.php
php jobs/import_scraperwiki.php
php jobs/scrape_DublinCity.php --import
php jobs/geocode.php 2000


Council details page


Planning application details page


{council_short} is a value from the councils.short_name table. See table below.

Atom feeds


API documentation

Note, that 'all' Ireland has the following bounding box: 51.779126,-12.045563,54.429541,-4.03653

Look up application details


Get TOP 50 applications near a point


Get all applications in area (limited to 250):


Get latest applications in area:


Get list of all councils as JSON


Database schema documentation

The applications table

| Field         | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| app_ref       | varchar(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| council_id    | int(2)        | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| lat           | double(13,10) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
| lng           | double(13,10) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
| applicant1    | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| applicant2    | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| applicant3    | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| received_date | date          | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |
| decision_date | date          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| address1      | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| address2      | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| address3      | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| address4      | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| decision      | char(1)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| status        | tinyint(4)    | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| details       | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| url           | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Table of applications statuses and decision codes

These explain the resepective columns of the application table.

| id | application status      |
|  1 | NEW APPLICATION         |
|  3 | DECISION MADE           |
|  4 | LEAVE TO APPEAL         |
|  5 | APPEALED                |
|  8 | WITHDRAWN               |
| 10 | PRE-VALIDATION          |
| 11 | DEEMED WITHDRAWN        |
| 13 | PENDING DECISION        |
| 14 | UNKNOWN                 |

| id | decision code                   |
| C  | ACCEPTED CONDITIONAL            |
| N  | NO DECISION                     |
| R  | REFUSED                         |

Table of all councils

| id | short_name   | name                                  | county    |
|  2 | CorkCity     | Cork City Council                     | Cork      |
|  3 | DublinCity   | Dublin City Council                   | Dublin    |
|  4 | GalwayCity   | Galway City Council                   | Galway    |
|  5 | LimerickCity | Limerick City Council                 | Limerick  |
|  6 | Waterford    | Waterford City Council                | Waterford |
|  7 | Carlow       | Carlow County Council                 | Carlow    |
|  8 | Cavan        | Cavan County Council                  | Cavan     |
|  9 | Clare        | Clare County Council                  | Clare     |
| 10 | CorkCo       | Cork County Council                   | Cork      |
| 14 | Donegal      | Donegal County Council                | Donegal   |
| 15 | SouthDublin  | South Dublin County Council           | Dublin    |
| 16 | DunLaoghaire | Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council | Dublin    |
| 17 | Fingal       | Fingal County Council                 | Dublin    |
| 18 | GalwayCo     | Galway County Council                 | Galway    |
| 19 | Kerry        | Kerry County Council                  | Kerry     |
| 20 | Kildare      | Kildare County Council                | Kildare   |
| 21 | Kilkenny     | Kilkenny County Council               | Kilkenny  |
| 22 | Laois        | Laois County Council                  | Laois     |
| 23 | Leitrim      | Leitrim County Council                | Leitrim   |
| 24 | LimerickCo   | Limerick County Council               | Limerick  |
| 25 | Longford     | Longford County Council               | Longford  |
| 26 | Louth        | Louth County Council                  | Louth     |
| 27 | Mayo         | Mayo County Council                   | Mayo      |
| 28 | Meath        | Meath County Council                  | Meath     |
| 29 | Monaghan     | Monaghan County Council               | Monaghan  |
| 30 | Offaly       | Offaly County Council                 | Offaly    |
| 31 | Roscommon    | Roscommon County Council              | Roscommon |
| 32 | Sligo        | Sligo County Council                  | Sligo     |
| 33 | NTipperary   | North Tipperary County Council        | Tipperary |
| 34 | STipperary   | South Tipperary County Council        | Tipperary |
| 35 | WaterfordCo  | Waterford County Council              | Waterford |
| 36 | Westmeath    | Westmeath County Council              | Meath     |
| 37 | Wexford      | Wexford County Council                | Wexford   |
| 38 | Wicklow      | Wicklow County Council                | Wicklow   |
| 39 | Letterkenny  | Letterkenny Council                   | Donegal   |
| 40 | Bundoran     | Bundoran Town Council                 | Donegal   |
| 41 | Buncrana     | Buncrana Town Council                 | Donegal   |

Directory structure

Stuff in /setup

This directory contains stuff for preparing data, setting up the database, and importing the initial data.

clean-applications.rb Reads the LGCSB GPlan_Metadata.txt file, does various bits of cleaning, drops some columns that we don't need, and writes a deduplicated CSV file to stdout.

Both the original GPlan_Metadata.txt file, and the cleaned applications.csv, are on @mhausenblas' dropbox.

schema.sql The database schema, including data for some of the small auxilliary tables.

import-lgcsb-applications.sql A SQL script that imports the LGCSB application dump. Input is the cleaned CSV file derived from the original GPlan_Metadata.txt. It must be called applications.csv and be in the current directory.

initial_tweeting.php Populates the Twitter accounts with a few tweets. This should never be run again!

Stuff in /jobs

This directory contains maintenance and update jobs that should be run periodically via cron.

import_fingal_csv.php Import the CSV dump from data.fingal.ie

import_scraperwiki.php Import the latest updates from ScraperWiki. If run with --initial argument, it imports everything from the ScraperWiki data store. This should be once as part of the application setup.

send_tweets.php Send tweets for recently imported new applications