
A SPARQL browser in 19 lines of PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

A SPARQL Browser in 19 Lines of PHP

This is an exercise in makin a tiny application that displays the contents of an RDF store. The application allows navigating through the graph of connected resources in an RDF store.


  • Navigate along incoming or outgoing triples
  • Rudimentary error detection
  • Protection against SPARQL injection or XSS attacks
  • SPARQL endpoint and starting resource are configurable


  • Only allows navigation of the default graph
  • Doesn't allow navigation across blank nodes
  • Doesn't report error messages from the server
  • Doesn't show datatypes or language tags
  • Ordering of properties is not useful (e.g., highlight label/name/title)


  • Drop into a directory on a PHP-capable webserver
  • If you don't want to browse DBpedia, change the endpoint URL and starting resource in lines 1 and 2

Live examples


Can you make this smaller or more useful? Fork it and show what you've got!

  • Must be PHP (Yes, I know this can be done in half a line of Perl)
  • Maximum 80 columns
  • Maximize the usefulness-to-lines-of-code ratio

For example, if you can add functionality that adds four lines and makes the application 27% more useful, you win. If you can remove two lines while sacrificing only 10% of usefulness, you win.

Usefulness will be determined by a poll of random colleagues of mine who happen to be at hand.