An open source Zstack3 gateway powered by ESP8266 and CC2652 modules
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[REQUEST NEWER HARDWARE] CC2674 (CC2674P/CC2674R) and CC1354P (CC1354P) Zigbee Coordinator and Zigbee Router adapters?
#9 opened by Hedda - 3
[REQUEST] OpenThread Border Router (OTBR) RCP and NCP firmware images for CC2652R based cyijun OpenZ3Gateway adapter?
#8 opened by Hedda - 1
Test and verify Koenkk experimental firmware for CC2652P configurable up to 20 dBm TX power output
#6 opened by Hedda - 5
[REQUEST] Zeroconf support to cyijun OpenZ3Gateway for Home Assistant ZHA network discovery
#2 opened by Hedda - 12
#7 opened by 1006867586 - 2
We can i buy the pcb ?
#5 opened by lansi002 - 1
[REQUEST] Zeroconf support to OpenZ3Gateway for Home Assistant ZHA network discovery
#4 opened by Hedda - 2
SUGGESTION] Switch to USB-to-UART bridge chip with programmable EEPROM so can add custom "Product Description String" string as unique identifier
#3 opened by Hedda