
This repository contains a bash script for controlling the fan speed of NVIDIA GPUs.

Primary LanguageShell

GPU Fan Control Script

This repository contains a bash script for controlling the fan speed of NVIDIA GPUs. The script automatically adjusts the fan speed based on the current temperature of each GPU.


  • Automatically detects all NVIDIA GPUs in the system
  • Sets the fan speed for each GPU based on its current temperature
  • Logs detailed information about each adjustment, with log filenames including the current date
  • Can be set to run at startup, continuously monitoring and adjusting fan speeds


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
  2. Give the script execution permissions: chmod +x cool_gpus.sh
  3. Run the script: ./cool_gpus.sh
  4. (Optional) Set the script to run at startup

Note: This script requires the nvidia-smi and nvidia-settings tools, which are typically included with NVIDIA's official drivers. If these tools are not present on your system, you will need to install NVIDIA's official drivers first.

Open Source License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.