eigen-zkvm is a zkVM on layered proof system, allowing the developers to write Zero-knowledge applications, proving with the layered proof system to achieve no trusted setup, constant on-chain proof size and low gas cost, and finally generating the solidity verifier.
zkit: universal commandline for starky and plonky
Circom 2.x on PlonK prove system, with aggregation proof;
Generate solidity verifier;
GPU acceleration for proving, not opensourced;
WASM friendly for single proving and verifying, NodeJS/Javascript prover and verifier, plonkjs
Layered Proof system on Plonk and FRI.
[] State Machine based VM
- Generate universal setup key
zkit setup -p 13 -s setup_2^13.key
For power in range 20 to 26, you can download directly from universal-setup hub.
Single proof test_single.sh
Aggregation proof test_aggregation.sh
Stark proof and recursive stark prove starky
Layered proof starkjs