
Example reduction with ASPIRED

Please use the tag to view the example scripts for the version of ASPIRED you are using.

Use cases

Spectrum - full reduction

  1. Dataset with science and standard field-flattened images and the respective arc image.

Spectrum - ADU spectrum extraction only (No flux calibration)

  1. Dataset with science field-flattened image and the arc image only.

Spectrum - wavelength calibration only (Pre wavelength-calibrated)

  1. Dataset with science and standard field-flattened images only.

Spectrum - other cases for full or partial reduction

  1. User supplied trace(s) for light spectrum extraction (only to extract ADU/s of the spectra).
  2. User supplied trace(s) for arc extraction (only to get wavelength calibration polynomial).
  3. User supplied wavelength calibration polynomial coefficients.
  4. User supplied line list.
  5. User supplied pixel-to-wavelength mapping (not fitted).
  6. User supplied sensitivity curve.
  7. Flux calibration for user supplied wavelength calibrated science and standard 1D spectra.

Standard Star

  1. Compare standard stars.

SPRAT - Liverpool Telescope (with Jupyter Notebook)

A jupyter notebook showing a full reduction of a SPRAT spectrum of the M dwarf LHS6328, calibrated against the standard star Hiltner 102 and with a Xe arc lamp. Telluric absorptions are corrected.

ISIS - William Herschel Telescope (with Jupyter Notebook)

A jupyter notebook showing a full reduction of the red arm of ISIS of PSO J180.1536+62.5419, calibrated against G93-48 and with a CuAr+CuNe arc lamp.

DOLORES - Telescopio Nazionale Galileo

A plain Python script to show a full reduction of the red and blue arm of ZTF19aamsetj, calibrated against HD 19445 and with a Ar+Kr+Ne+Hg arc lamp.

OSIRIS - Gran Telescopio Canarias

A plain Python script to show a full reduction of the R1000B and R2500U spectra of ZTF-BLAP-01, calibrated with a Hg+Ar+Ne lamp and Hg+Ar+Xe lamp, respectively. The flux calibration was performed with Feige 110. Both interstellar and atmospheric extinctions are corrected.

FLOYDS - Faulkes Telescope South (with Jupyter Notebook)

A plain Python script to show a full reduction of the red and blue FLOYDS spectra of AT2019MTW, calibrated against L 745-46A. 2D distortion correction is applied to straighten the spectra; the 1D fringe pattern is subtracted from the red spectrum; and the Telluric absorptions are corrected.