
A Markdown-to-HTML converter that traverses subfolders.

Primary LanguageRuby

Markdown-to-HTML File Tree Converter

This is a really simple script that takes a folder of markdown files and converts them to HTML.

The neat thing is that it'll traverse through the input folder, include subfolders, and replicate the same structure in the output directory.

So you can make a whole series of folders with markdown files in them, and this converter will replicate the tree of files to HTML. It'll also copy over any images along the way.

When rendering to HTML, it'll use a head.html and foot.html to wrap the resulting HTML files.

Also, this will turn README.md files into index.html files, because that seems to make sense.


This was made using Ruby 2.0.0.

Clone this repo, and then go into the new cloned directory with all of this code.

You'll need a couple gems:

gem install github-markup
gem install github-markdown


Create in and out directories. Put your Markdown files and folders and images inside the in directory.

Make your head.html and foot.html templates -- I've included two examples, they're the most basic they can be.

Run the converter: ruby converter.rb

It'll let you know what it's doing as it traverses through your in/ files, and writes them to the out/ directory.

Now your out/ folder should have your rendered files!

To do

  • Command line arguments for the in and out directories.
  • Stylesheet inclusion, too?
  • Syntax highlighting inclusion, too?
  • What's the best way to set the title of the HTML page?
  • Go through and change links in Markdown files from [link](thing.md) to <a href="thing.html">link</a>