
The server side applications for SCC300 Smart Lab project based on Django in Python.

Primary LanguageCSS


The server side applications for SCC330 Smart Lab project based on Django in Python. The server is runned with Linux VM in Lancaster University. It parses and stores data Particle Photon devices located in SCC 330 Labs of Lancaster University in UK. Client side implementations on Photon devices can be found in this repo: https://github.com/Nomad519/NetworkedStudio

SCC330 Networked Studio Contributors: Viktor Kolev, Eduard Schlotter, James Thomas-Woodhouse, Cyrus Gao

How to run the server

  1. Use ssh to connect to the VM

    If you are working off campus, please connect to the University VPN first. If you don't know how, have a look at here.

    Once you are connecting the Uni VPN, you now need to use SSH to connect to the VM.

    • For Linux, Mac user:

      Use the command below to connect the Linux VM in our Uni:

      ssh -p6767 uniusername@sccug-330-03.lancs.ac.uk

      Replace "uniusername" to your Uni studnet account name. You should be asked to enter your password to login.

    • For Windows user:

      You can use some software like PuTTY to build an SSH connection. However, I recommand to use some console emulator software like cmder which supports all sets of Linux bash commands including SSH we need.

  2. Get the latest server file

    Once you are logged into the VM, you will be directed into your personal directory named by your names. There are three ways to get the latest server files:

    • Use the files in my directory

      1. Go to the outer directory of your current position:

        cd ..
      2. Go to my personal folder

        cd gaot
      3. Enter the Server folder

        cd SmartLabServer
    • Copy the files from my folder to your own folder

      Do this if you are planing on implement the server project. Once you get into my personal folder, use cp command to copy the files to your working directory:

      cp SmartLabServer yourfolder
    • Use GIT command line to clone this repository

  3. Run the Django project

    Once you get into SmartLabServer folder, enter the project folder(forgive my name):

    cd untitled

    Run the server:

    sudo python3 manage.py runserver

    Your server should be running now! Check Django Documents for more help.

APIs For the Door Sensors

The aim of the these two APIs is to receive a string containing the coming or leaving info from the door of lab and a time string. The server uses this to generate a history of people activities in lab and present current number of people in lab.

  • /senddoor

    requires method: POST

    post data and date string to this path from photon

    String body:

    num + ',' + Time.timeStr()
      //num == 1 || -1

    To reset number of people to 0, set the string body to:


    And if this is done successfully, you would see success message from response of this request

  • /getdoor

    requires method: GET

    To get current number of people in the lab (always >= 0).

    The result would be returned as HTTP response.