
Simple piped bloomfilter for command-line use.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What's this?

I felt the need to have a way to remove duplicates without loosing the original order of input. Having some duplicate left was not an issue but it was important for me to remove most of them.

(In case you're wondering I'm merging password dictionaries to crack hashes.)

So bloom filters are the exact data structure I need, and python-bloomfilter is nice but somehow not easily available through pip or pacman or aur so I just took the code and put it in one file with a 5-liner at the end to produce bloompipe. Talk about lazy.

Anyway it does the job, pipe anything in, it outputs unique values. I used a scalable bloom filter too so don't worry about dumping millions of lines, it'll manage.

Original project

As explained 99% of the project is python-bloomfilter so kudos to them. Really.


Check requirements.txt.


I use the same MIT License as the original python-bloomfilter project by design. Please be nice to them, that's good work there.