
:video_game: A bot to automatically play s0urce.io for you

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A bot to automatically play s0urce.io for you

Note: As of Beta 2.2, OCR is unreliable and the database must be MANUALLY updated. If the DB isn't working, try generating a new one from inside the builder folder.


The main file (main.js) contains several values you may want to change.

  • ocrApiKey - The key for the ocr.space API (it's free)
  • db - The path to the training JSON
  • message - The message you send to people after you hack them
  • wordFreq - How often to guess words. If you guess too fast, you'll be booted from the game and your progress will no longer update.
  • mineFreq - How often to purchase upgrades
  • minerLevel - How high you get your miners to before moving to the next level up.
  • playerToAttack - The index of the player you want to attack, 0 is the first in the list

How To Use

Note: It's recommended that you use Google Chrome

  • Go to http://s0urce.io/ and start a game.
  • Open the Console (Under View -> Developer -> JavaScript Console)
  • Paste in the full contents of main.js
  • Type app.start() to start the automated bot
  • If you need to stop, you can type app.stop()

How To Regenerate The DB

Note: You must have node.js installed for this to work

  • Run npm install from inside the builder folder
  • Run node index.js from inside the builder folder
  • Take listing.json from inside the output folder, and move it to db.json inside the root of the project.

Note: If you updated the DB because the stock version wasn't working, please create an issue or a pull request with the new DB