
This project contains tasks for learning to cache data.

Tasks To Complete

  • 0. Basic dictionary contains a Python class BasicCache that inherits from BaseCaching and is a caching system:

    • You must use self.cache_data - dictionary from the parent class BaseCaching.
    • This caching system doesn't have limit.
    • def put(self, key, item)::
      • Must assign to the dictionary self.cache_data the item value for the key key.
      • If key or item is None, this method should not do anything.
    • def get(self, key)::
      • Must return the value in self.cache_data linked to key.
      • If key is None or if the key doesn't exist in self.cache_data, return None.
  • 1. FIFO caching contains a Python class FIFOCache that inherits from BaseCaching and is a caching system:

    • You must use self.cache_data - dictionary from the parent class BaseCaching.
    • You can overload def __init__(self): but don't forget to call the parent init: super().__init__().
    • def put(self, key, item)::
      • Must assign to the dictionary self.cache_data the item value for the key key.
      • If key or item is None, this method should not do anything.
      • If the number of items in self.cache_data is higher than BaseCaching.MAX_ITEMS:
        • You must discard the first item put in cache (FIFO algorithm).
        • You must print DISCARD: with the key discarded and following by a new line.
    • def get(self, key)::
      • Must return the value in self.cache_data linked to key.
      • If key is None or if the key doesn't exist in self.cache_data, return None.
  • 2. LIFO Caching contains a Python class LIFOCache that inherits from BaseCaching and is a caching system:

    • You must use self.cache_data - dictionary from the parent class BaseCaching.
    • You can overload def __init__(self): but don't forget to call the parent init: super().__init__().
    • def put(self, key, item)::
      • Must assign to the dictionary self.cache_data the item value for the key key.
      • If key or item is None, this method should not do anything.
      • If the number of items in self.cache_data is higher than BaseCaching.MAX_ITEMS:
        • You must discard the last item put in cache (LIFO algorithm).
        • You must print DISCARD: with the key discarded and following by a new line.
    • def get(self, key)::
      • Must return the value in self.cache_data linked to key.
      • If key is None or if the key doesn't exist in self.cache_data, return None.
  • 3. LRU Caching contains a Python class LRUCache that inherits from BaseCaching and is a caching system:

    • You must use self.cache_data - dictionary from the parent class BaseCaching.
    • You can overload def __init__(self): but don't forget to call the parent init: super().__init__().
    • def put(self, key, item)::
      • Must assign to the dictionary self.cache_data the item value for the key key.
      • If key or item is None, this method should not do anything.
      • If the number of items in self.cache_data is higher than BaseCaching.MAX_ITEMS:
        • You must discard the least recently used item (LRU algorithm).
        • You must print DISCARD: with the key discarded and following by a new line.
    • def get(self, key)::
      • Must return the value in self.cache_data linked to key.
      • If key is None or if the key doesn't exist in self.cache_data, return None.
  • 4. MRU Caching contains a Python class MRUCache that inherits from BaseCaching and is a caching system:

    • You must use self.cache_data - dictionary from the parent class BaseCaching.
    • You can overload def __init__(self): but don't forget to call the parent init: super().__init__().
    • def put(self, key, item)::
      • Must assign to the dictionary self.cache_data the item value for the key key.
      • If key or item is None, this method should not do anything.
      • If the number of items in self.cache_data is higher than BaseCaching.MAX_ITEMS:
        • You must discard the most recently used item (MRU algorithm).
        • You must print DISCARD: with the key discarded and following by a new line
    • def get(self, key)::
      • Must return the value in self.cache_data linked to key.
      • If key is None or if the key doesn't exist in self.cache_data, return None.
  • 5. LFU Caching contains a Python class LFUCache that inherits from BaseCaching and is a caching system:

    • You must use self.cache_data - dictionary from the parent class BaseCaching.
    • You can overload def __init__(self): but don't forget to call the parent init: super().__init__().
    • def put(self, key, item)::
      • Must assign to the dictionary self.cache_data the item value for the key key.
      • If key or item is None, this method should not do anything.
      • If the number of items in self.cache_data is higher than BaseCaching.MAX_ITEMS:
        • You must discard the least frequency used item (LFU algorithm).
        • If you find more than 1 item to discard, you must use the LRU algorithm to discard only the least recently used.
        • You must print DISCARD: with the key discarded and following by a new line.
    • def get(self, key)::
      • Must return the value in self.cache_data linked to key.
      • If key is None or if the key doesn't exist in self.cache_data, return None.