
A true random number dice roller written in Ocaml (any active development is now done at: https://gitlab.com/cyocum/Ocaml-DiceRoller)

Primary LanguageOCaml

== OCAML Diceroller ==

This is a dice roller which is written in the Ocaml language.
As its random pool, it uses Random.org so it will need access
to the internet.

== OCAML Dependancies ==

To build ocaml you will need the following libraries:
ocaml pcre

== Syntax ==
To roll dice, you need to input them as follows:
2d6 (two six sided dice)
2d10 (two ten sided dice)

Any combination of number of dice with any side is allowed.

== Building ==

To build, all you need to do is run "make" in the top level
directory.  If the build is successful, the binary named
"diceroller" will be deposited in the bin directory.

== License ==

This program is licensed under the AGPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html).  Please see the license.txt file for more information.