This is the repo for the govern8r client and server.
Unfortunately, for right now we need to use python 2.7.11.
Install virtualenv for both client and server.
virtualenv -p <path-to-python-2.7.11> govern8rClient
virtualenv -p <path-to-python-2.7.11> govern8rService
In directory govern8rService:
source bin/activate
sudo pip install flask
sudo pip install flask-api
sudo pip install pybitid
sudo pip install blockcypher
sudo pip install certifi
sudo pip install configparser
sudo pip install ecdsa
sudo pip install pycrypto
sudo pip install simple-crypt
I've had issues installing a few things due to SSL errors. When I installed pyopenssl, I had such an error. The failure was on the pycparser package. So, my resolution is to clone the repo and install manually.
git clone
Change to the pycparser directory and:
sudo python ./ install
Same deal with boto3 - the AWS APIs.
git clone
Change to the botocore-develop directory
sudo python ./ install
Now you can:
sudo pip install boto3
sudo pip install pyopenssl
For the template to start from...
git clone
Since we are running this stuff in AWS, we should use AWS's dynamoDB since it provisions so easily on AWS. Here are the links:
We also have to install the aws client, to set up the credentials (contact me for these.)
sudo pip install awscli
sudo pip install awsebcli
Before you can connect to the database, you need to configure the credentials using:
aws configure
in directory govern8rClient:
source bin/activate
sudo pip install requests
sudo pip install certifi
sudo pip install ecdsa
sudo pip install pycrypto
sudo pip install configparser
sudo pip install simple-crypt
I've had issues installing a few things due to SSL errors. When I installed pyopenssl, I had such an error. The failure was on the pycparser package. So, my resolution is to clone the repo and install manually.
git clone
Change to the pycparser directory and:
sudo python ./ install
sudo pip install pyopenssl
The python-bitcoinlib is a better utility than for some things. However, seems to be the most dominant bitcoin library in python. We need to use both. The problem is that both use the same package name - so they can't be used together. So what I did was forked the project and repackaged with a different name.
git clone
Find the directory where is (should be python-bitcoinlib). Then set your virtual environment to client, lib, or service (whichever you are working with). And run this to install the package.
sudo python install
You should see this package now: python-bitcoinlib (0.5.1-SNAPSHOT)
sudo pip list