
Skycoin Networking Framework

Primary LanguageGo

Skycoin Networking Framework

Skycoin Networking Framework is a simplified TCP and UDP networking framework.

Skycoin Messenger is based on this infrastructure.


Skycoin Messenger is an anonymous instant messenger. You can send messages to others by public keys on the messenger.


It also provides discovery service, which is using by skywire, cxo and bbs.


msg protocol      |  |        |        |                    |
                    |        |        |          |
                    v        |        v          v
                  msg type   |     msg len    msg body
                   1 byte    v     4 bytes
                          msg seq
                          4 bytes

normal msg        |01|  seq   |  len   |       body         |

ack msg           |80|  seq   |

ping msg          |81|    timestamp    |

pong msg          |82|    timestamp    |