- 6
typescript is always return error about the tags object if we don't add //@ts-ignore
#166 opened by idanElitzur - 3
- 1
cypress-grep isn't working with cypress 11.x
#164 opened by tiagodread - 0
Failing NPM audit
#167 opened by rojalbati-cf - 16
Update plugin to be compatible with Cypress 10
#127 opened by admah - 0
Open redirect vulnerability in Cypress-grep dependency
#163 opened by awallemo - 3
Deprecate Repo
#153 opened by jordanpowell88 - 2
Type error when registering cypress-grep
#158 opened by richardszanyi-kasa - 2
- 2
Can't run two "not" tags
#154 opened by ivanomilo - 3
Suspected slowness when running perticular spec based on Tag vs running the perticular spec
#151 opened by SwardCoder - 2
- 2
- 1
Further detail error surrounding 'no spec files were found' when spec files exist in other tag
#146 opened by jjorgenson-globality - 2
The env variables should not be case sensitive
#141 opened by kishaningithub - 25
Grep is not working.
#134 opened by zubair-shahid-formsoft-inc-com - 5
Incompatible error is wrong
#132 opened by Songyu-Wang - 5
- 1
Unexpected behavior of explicit not tag when used alone
#129 opened by gofr - 2
CVE-2021-3807 ansi-regex is vulnerable to Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity
#126 opened by pmweeks98 - 7
Filter out to run only 1 test from the rest of the loop
#125 opened by quad5 - 2
cypress open --env grepUntagged=true [shows all the specs, including the taged ones]
#123 opened by h2oearth - 1
- 1
Order is different from normal run with subFolders
#118 opened by Narretz - 2
grep=EXAMPLE doesn't work if the very first test in the spec doesn't have EXAMPLE in the title
#114 opened by spatwardhan-tcs - 3
- 4
"grepFilterSpecs": true does not work when test name have a breaklines and if it's a parameterized test
#109 opened by RomanOsadchi - 1
- 2
- 7
Using grepUntagged to notify on untagged tests
#101 opened by yonatanaftali - 11
- 7
- 0
- 1
Tags applied to suites makes webstorm IDE to not recognize the green arrow run tests button
#145 opened by tiagodread - 1
Moving to Core Cypress Repo
#140 opened by admah - 6
cypress-grep not working for me using Typescript
#116 opened by chinkjieh - 2
Should this work in parallel mode?
#143 opened by aangelinsf - 1
- 3
- 3
- 5
Burning high number of specs/tests will result in Cypress throwing SIGSEGV error
#105 opened by alexniculae - 1
Can I get the write access to this repo, please?
#111 opened by bahmutov - 4
All tests in spec run when only one is tagged
#115 opened by dsteinbach-ep - 4
`before` and `after` hooks always get called even spec (`describe` or `it`) doesn't have targeted tags
#90 opened by hiendnguyen - 5
- 5
grepFilterSpecs not working with multiple tags
#98 opened by Olavarry - 1
Add TS filter
#94 opened by bahmutov - 1
- 3
grepTags not being obeyed on Windows?
#93 opened by jdborneman-terminus - 1