Pinned issues
- 2
Conflicting preprocessors for component and BDD tests
#550 opened by slikts - 2
Slack invite link no longer active
#407 opened by rpocase - 3
No tests found when using cypress open
#530 opened by quant-daddy - 4
[Question] Stubbing/Mocking redux hooks in mountHook
#534 opened by fayeed - 0
webpack 5 and cypress-react-unit-test image assets
#532 opened by glomotion - 8
- 3
- 1
Create example with Webpack 5
#509 opened by bahmutov - 1
Can't resolve 'readLine'
#514 opened by leo-petrucci - 2
Move app dependencies into every folder
#473 opened by bahmutov - 1
Fix date-fns material date pickers in Percy example
#507 opened by bahmutov - 3
Potential Memory Leak
#391 opened by ignatiusreza - 1
Check if we support the JSX compiler from React 17
#438 opened by bahmutov - 3
Cypress crashes with out of memory error
#454 opened by san4ezgig - 4
- 5
- 1
- 2
Create example with cucumber preprocessor
#373 opened by bahmutov - 1
Node V8.11.2 is not supported
#495 opened by ashithrahul - 1
Update older versions in external repositories
#487 opened by bahmutov - 8
- 2
assertions chained off getProps() should retry
#446 opened by shand-j - 3
- 1
Show example with Webpack + TypeScript + aliases
#469 opened by bahmutov - 2
record presentation for QAFest
#411 opened by bahmutov - 1
- 6
How one can attach to window custom fields?
#464 opened by Relaxe111 - 1
Error: Webpack Compilation Error
#462 opened by ramukarnati - 2
prepare presentation for Applitools webinar
#412 opened by bahmutov - 2
- 3
- 2
Switch to "official" cypress-expect
#423 opened by bahmutov - 1
- 1
- 1
Warnings during yarn install (Yarn 2)
#442 opened by larrifax - 2
load-webpack with SVG as react components
#414 opened by Ramilito - 1
Enable code coverage for Next.js components
#431 opened by bahmutov - 2
How to mock hooks
#437 opened by s5no5t - 1
Cannot load static from public/ folder - relative imports outside of src/ are not supported.
#436 opened by pashidlos - 2
Next.js example throws hook error
#430 opened by bahmutov - 3
Look at Enzyme examples
#377 opened by bahmutov - 1
Run Markdown link linting only on master
#400 opened by bahmutov - 4
Second chained cy.getReact call returns nothing
#378 opened by bahmutov - 8
cypress-react-selector cy.react should retry
#379 opened by bahmutov - 2
- 1
check out code before checking markdown links
#406 opened by bahmutov - 2
Cannot mount the component wrapped in withRouter
#390 opened by khateeb321 - 2
can not mock fetch by cy.route
#397 opened by github-hanchao - 10
Tests fail when component uses React Hook useHistory
#388 opened by wlsf82 - 2
[HELP] cypress typing config with CRA
#372 opened by Alecell