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Install both react-streams and rxjs

npm i react-streams rxjs


react-streams enables you to stream for sources or props. The stream will pass through a pipe and can be updated by plans.

Stream from sources

<Stream source={}/> - A component that subscribes to a source and streams values to children. The stream will pass through a pipe and can be updated by plans.

<Stream source={source$}>{values => <div>{values.message}</div>}</Stream>

stream(source) - Creates a named component that subscribes to a source and streams values to children. The stream will pass through a pipe and can be updated by plans.

const MyStreamingComponent = stream(source$)

  {(values)=> <div>{values.message}</div>}

Stream from props

<StreamProps/> - A component that streams props changes to children. Changes to props will pass through the pipe and can be updated by plans.

<StreamProps message={message}>
  {values => <div>{values.message}</div>}

streamProps() - Create a named component that streams props changes to children. Changes to props will pass through the pipe and can be updated by plans.

const MyStreamingPropsComponent = streamProps()

<MyStreamingComponent message={message}>
  {(values)=> <div>{values.message}</div>}

Stream through pipe

pipe is any operator (or piped combination of operators) that you want to act on your stream. Pipes can be simple mappings or complex ajax requests with timing as long as they return a function that returns an object which matches the children's arguments.

<StreamProps message={message} pipe={map(({ message }) => message + "!")}>
  {values => <div>{values.message}</div>}

Make a plan to update

plan is a function that can be observed.

const update = plan()

from(update).subscribe(value => console.log(value))

update("Hello") //logs "Hello"
update("Friends") //logs "Friends"

Pass plans to the plans prop to control updates to the stream.

const update = plan(
  map(({message})=> ({message: "Updated!"}))

<StreamProps message="Hello" plans={{update}}>
  {({message, update})=>
      <button onClick={update}>Update Message</button>


Enough chit-chat, time for examples!

Play with Examples at


Demo here

import React from "react"
import { Stream } from "react-streams"
import { of, pipe } from "rxjs"
import { delay, startWith } from "rxjs/operators"

const startWithAndDelay = (message, time) =>
  pipe(delay(time), startWith({ message }))

const message$ = of({ message: "Hello" })

export default () => (
    <h2>Stream as a Component</h2>
    <Stream source={message$} pipe={startWithAndDelay("Wait...", 500)}>
      {({ message }) => <div>{message}</div>}
    <Stream source={message$} pipe={startWithAndDelay("Wait longer...", 3000)}>
      {({ message }) => <div>{message}</div>}


Demo here

import React from "react"
import { stream } from "react-streams"
import { interval } from "rxjs"
import { map } from "rxjs/operators"

const count$ = interval(250).pipe(map(count => ({ count })))

const Counter = stream(count$)

export default () => (
    <h2>Subscribe to a Stream</h2>
    <Counter>{({ count }) => <div>{count}</div>}</Counter>


Demo here

import React from "react"
import { stream } from "react-streams"
import { of } from "rxjs"
import { map } from "rxjs/operators"

const stream$ = of({ greeting: "Hello", name: "world" })

const mapToMessage = map(({ greeting, name }) => ({
  message: `${greeting}, ${name}!`

const Greeting = stream(stream$, mapToMessage)

export default () => (
    <h2>Pipe Stream Values</h2>
    <Greeting>{({ message }) => <div>{message}</div>}</Greeting>


Demo here

import React from "react"
import { streamProps } from "react-streams"
import { map } from "rxjs/operators"

const mapGreeting = map(({ greeting, name }) => ({
  message: `${greeting}, ${name}!`

const HelloWorld = streamProps(mapGreeting)

export default () => (
    <h2>Stream Props to Children</h2>
    <HelloWorld greeting="Hello" name="world">
      {({ message }) => <div>{message}</div>}
    <HelloWorld greeting="Bonjour" name="John">
      {({ message }) => <div>{message}</div>}


Demo here

import React from "react"
import { streamProps } from "react-streams"
import { pipe } from "rxjs"
import { ajax } from "rxjs/ajax"
import { pluck, switchMap, startWith } from "rxjs/operators"

const getTodo = pipe(
  switchMap(({ url, id }) => ajax(`${url}/${id}`)),

const Todo = streamProps(getTodo)

const url = process.env.DEV
  ? "/api/todos"
  : ""

export default () => (
    <h2>Ajax Demo</h2>
    <Todo url={url} id={2}>
      {({ text, id }) => (
          {id}. {text}
    <Todo url={url} id={3}>
      {({ text, id }) => (
          {id}. {text}

Nested Streams

Demo here

import React from "react"
import { Stream, StreamProps } from "react-streams"
import { map, filter } from "rxjs/operators"
import { interval } from "rxjs"

const count$ = interval(1000).pipe(map(count => ({ count })))

const odds = filter(({ count }) => count % 2)
const evens = filter(({ count }) => !(count % 2))

export default () => (
  <Stream source={count$}>
    {({ count }) => (
      <div style={{ padding: "2rem" }}>
        <h2>Stream with Nested StreamProps Components</h2>
        <StreamProps count={count}>
          {({ count }) => <div>No filter: {count}</div>}
        <StreamProps count={count} pipe={odds}>
          {({ count }) => <div>Odds: {count}</div>}
        <StreamProps count={count} pipe={evens}>
          {({ count }) => <div>Evens: {count}</div>}

Create a plan

Demo here

import React from "react"
import { StreamProps, plan } from "react-streams"
import { map, pluck } from "rxjs/operators"

const onChange = plan(pluck("target", "value"), map(message => ({ message })))

export default () => (
    <h2>Update a Stream with Plans</h2>
    <StreamProps message="Hello" plans={{ onChange }}>
      {({ message, onChange }) => (
          <input id="input" type="text" onChange={onChange} />
          <div id="message">{message}</div>


Demo here

import React from "react"
import { mergePlans, plan, streamProps } from "react-streams"
import { pipe } from "rxjs"
import { ajax } from "rxjs/ajax"
import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, map, pluck } from "rxjs/operators"

const handleInput = pipe(
  pluck("target", "value"),
   * map to a fn which returns an object, fn, or Observable (which returns an
   * object, fn, or Observable)
  map(term => props => {
    if (term.length < 2) return { people: [], term: "" }
    return ajax(`${props.url}?username_like=${term}`).pipe(
      map(people => ({ term, people: people.slice(0, 10) }))

const Typeahead = streamProps(mergePlans({ onChange: plan(handleInput) }))

const url = process.env.DEV
  ? "/api/people"
  : ""

export default () => (
  <Typeahead url={url} people={[]}>
    {({ term, people, onChange }) => (
        <h2>Search a username: {term}</h2>
          placeholder="Type to seach"
          { => (
            <li key={} style={{ height: "25px" }}>
                style={{ height: "100%" }}

Counter Demo

Demo here

import React from "react"
import { mergePlans, plan, streamProps } from "react-streams"
import { map } from "rxjs/operators"

const onInc = plan(map(() => state => ({ count: state.count + 2 })))
const onDec = plan(map(() => state => ({ count: state.count - 2 })))
const onReset = plan(map(() => state => ({ count: 4 })))

const Counter = streamProps(mergePlans({ onInc, onDec, onReset }))

export default () => (
  <Counter count={4}>
    {({ count, onInc, onDec, onReset }) => (
        <button id="dec" onClick={onDec} aria-label="decrement">
        <span id="count" aria-label="count">
        <button id="inc" onClick={onInc} aria-label="increment">
        <button onClick={onReset} aria-label="reset">