
Showing points/Connecting lines between points on a single canvas.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Provides implementation of points using canvas. With canvas you can show more number of points than SVG. The plugin uses the quad tree algorithm to minimize/optimize the number of points to be drawn.

Requires Leaflet 0.7.0 or newer.

Using the plugin

  • For canvas with points: Demo
  • For canvas with Loo..ots of points(160236 points): Demo
  • For canvas with lines connecting points: Demo
  • For canvas with points and popups: Demo


How to set data.

Create your map example:

 var map = L.map('map').setView([0, 35], 3);
     L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.cloudmade.com/7c2ed2e9170441289176d725eb0ca615/999/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
         maxZoom: 18

Create instance of the plugin canvas layer and add it to the map example:

    points = [];
    //make points slat denotes the latitude and slon denotes the longitude
    points.push({"slat": -33.3042, "slon": 26.5328});
    //make another point slat denotes the latitude and slon denotes the longitude
    points.push({"slat": -25, "slon": 29});
    //make a canvas layer
    var layer = new MyLayer();
    //set the data points to the layer
    //add canvas layer to the map

How to add data.

To add data live into the map: To the canvas layer created, you can add points

    //add points to the layer...here slat denotes the latitude and slon denotes the longitude
    layer.addData({"slat": -33.3042, "slon": 26.5328});

How to color/create your own points.

You can color/create your own points by overriding the drawSource function example:

    var MyLayer = L.FullCanvas.extend({
        //over riding the getsource function
        drawSource: function(point) {
            //get the context
            var ctx = layer.getCanvas().getContext("2d");
            ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
            //drawing the shape of the point
            //adding gradient 
            var grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(point.x, point.y, 0, point.x, point.y, 10);
            grd.addColorStop(0.200, 'rgba(255, 242, 0, 1)');
            grd.addColorStop(0.370, 'rgba(255, 157, 0, 1)');
            grd.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255,255, 255, 1)');
            ctx.fillStyle = grd;
            ctx.arc(point.x, point.y , 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);

How to show popup.

You can color/create your own points by overriding the drawSource function example:

var MyLayer = L.FullCanvas.extend({
        //over riding the clickedPoints function
        clickedPoints: function(points){
            var text = "You clicked on the point Latitude["+ points[0].data.slat + "] Longitude["+ points[0].data.slon + "]";
            //show your popup


how to draw lines between points.

Create instance of the plugin canvas layer and add points to the layer example:

    points = [];
    //make points slat denotes the source latitude and slon denotes the source longitude 
    //make points tlat denotes the target latitude and tlon denotes the target longitude 
    points.push({"slat": -33.3042, "slon": 26.5328,"tlat": -10, "tlon": 15});
    //make points slat denotes the source latitude and slon denotes the source longitude 
    //make points tlat denotes the target latitude and tlon denotes the target longitude 
    points.push({"slat": -25, "slon": 29, "tlat": -50, "tlon": 10});
    //make a canvas layer
    var layer = new MyLayer();
    //set the data points to the layer
    //add canvas layer to the map

how to draw lot of points in canvas.

We have to understand that when we have a lot of points to draw. We should not do

    var MyLayer = L.FullCanvas.extend({
        //over riding the getsource function
        drawSource: function(point) {
            //get the context
            var ctx = layer.getCanvas().getContext("2d");
            ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
            //drawing the shape of the point
            //adding gradient 
            var grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(point.x, point.y, 0, point.x, point.y, 10);
            grd.addColorStop(0.200, 'rgba(255, 242, 0, 1)');
            grd.addColorStop(0.370, 'rgba(255, 157, 0, 1)');
            grd.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255,255, 255, 1)');
            ctx.fillStyle = grd;
            ctx.arc(point.x, point.y , 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);

Because if we have a 100000+ points the context drawing is expensive for each point. So best approach is to insert an image point instead of drawing the points.

    var imageObj = new Image();
    imageObj.src = "../data/shapes.png";//load any image
   //place the points in the canvas
    var MyLayer = L.FullCanvas.extend({
      drawSource: function(point) {
        var ctx = this.getCanvas().getContext("2d");
        ctx.drawImage(imageObj, point.x - 1, point.y - 1, 2, 2);