
Sample node.js deployment on cloudbees

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js clickstart

This clickstart demonstrates a basic hello world node.js app on CloudBees with continuous deployment. Jenkins runs tests via npm.

package.json is used to specify what packages are needed - main.js is the default server app (you can set main_js via bees config:set to override it to something else)

To run manually locally

  1. Install node.js
  2. Clone this repo
  3. node app/main.js

To deploy manually to CloudBees

  1. cd app
  2. zip -r ../app.zip
  3. bees app:deploy -t nodejs -RPLUGIN.SRC.nodejs=https://s3.amazonaws.com/clickstacks/admin/nodejs-plugin-0.10.5.zip ../app.zip

The node.js clickstack

See here if you want to change how it work: https://github.com/CloudBees-community/node-clickstack The node-clickstack makes this possible - if you want to tweak how the node.js container works fork that repo, change it, and use it for the -RPLUGIN.SRC.nodejs url above.

Otherwise - fork this !