
E-commerce engine

Primary LanguagePHP


E-commerce engine

General considerations

This application is a draft for a real world e-commerce application.

The author doesn't pretend that his application has a very good architecture, structure, etc. Far from there: this is a training project!

The application is based on PHP8 and Symfony. The proposed database is PostgreSQL, but there is no vendor-specific queries nor raw queries.

Bulma and jQuery are used as the front-end technologies.

Redis is used as the cache store.

Some implemented features


The cart is available for all authorized users (including unauthenticated ones). If you sign up or log in with a non-empty cart, the session cart items will be transferred to your account cart.

Category tree

You can build category trees with (almost) infinite depth.

Dashboard for employees

Depending on their roles, users can manipulate goods, categories, etc. The CMS is based on EasyAdmin.

Image resizing

The product images are resized to not abuse the network.

Payment using Stripe

Users can pay for an order using Stripe.

How to install

Use make.

  • Run dev target to start a local version of the application.
make dev

By default, the application is available at http://bicrave-tp.com, so refine yours hosts settings or configure your bicrave-tp.conf nginx configuration (placed in docker/nginx/bicrave-tp.conf) before running the command.

Optionally, load fixtures using the following command or play around with the admin dashboard.

# Load fixtures
docker-compose run php-fpm sh -c "php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction"

# Or create an admin user
docker-compose run php-fpm sh -c "php bin/console app:create-content-manager example@your.mail"
  • You also can run test target to run tests and then tear down the application.
make test

Add a content manager

Run the Symfony command app:create-content-manager and follow the instructions.


Tests are run on CircleCI. To run them locally, run the test target:

make test