Arangolite is a lightweight ArangoDB driver for Go.
It focuses entirely on pure AQL querying. See AranGO for a more ORM-like experience.
Arangolite also features a LoopBack heavily inspired filtering system, in a separated package so you don't need to import it if you don't use it.
To install Arangolite:
go get
package main
import (
type Node struct {
func main() {
db := arangolite.New().
LoggerOptions(false, false, false).
Connect("http://localhost:8000", "_system", "root", "rootPassword")
_, _ := db.Run(&arangolite.CreateDatabase{
Name: "testDB",
Users: []map[string]interface{}{
{"username": "root", "passwd": "rootPassword"},
{"username": "user", "passwd": "password"},
db.SwitchDatabase("testDB").SwitchUser("user", "password")
_, _ := db.Run(&arangolite.CreateCollection{Name: "nodes"})
key := "48765564346"
q := arangolite.NewQuery(`
IN nodes
FILTER n._key == %s
`, key).Cache(true).BatchSize(500) // The caching feature is unavailable prior to ArangoDB 2.7
// The Run method returns all the query results of every batches
// available in the cursor as a slice of byte.
r, _ := db.Run(q)
nodes := []Node{}
json.Unmarshal(r, &nodes)
// The RunAsync method returns a Result struct allowing to handle batches as they
// are retrieved from the database.
async, _ := db.RunAsync(q)
nodes = []Node{}
decoder := json.NewDecoder(async.Buffer())
for async.HasMore() {
batch := []Node{}
nodes = append(nodes, batch...)
fmt.Printf("%v", nodes)
// [
// {
// "_id": "nodes/48765564346",
// "_rev": "48765564346",
// "_key": "48765564346"
// }
// ]
// Document represents a basic ArangoDB document
// Fields are pointers to allow null values in ArangoDB
type Document struct {
ID *string `json:"_id,omitempty"`
Rev *string `json:"_rev,omitempty"`
Key *string `json:"_key,omitempty"`
// Edge represents a basic ArangoDB edge
// Fields are pointers to allow null values in ArangoDB
type Edge struct {
From *string `json:"_from,omitempty"`
To *string `json:"_to,omitempty"`
Arangolite provides an abstraction layer to the Javascript ArangoDB transactions.
The only limitation is that no Javascript processing can be manually added inside the transaction. The queries can only be connected in a raw way, using the Go templating conventions.
func main() {
db := arangolite.New()
db.Connect("http://localhost:8000", "testDB", "user", "password")
t := arangolite.NewTransaction([]string{"nodes"}, nil).
AddQuery("nodes", `
IN nodes
`).AddQuery("ids", `
IN {{.nodes}}
RETURN n._id
r, _ := db.Run(t)
ids := []string{}
json.Unmarshal(r, &ids)
fmt.Printf("%v", ids)
AQL may be used for querying graph data. But to manage graphs, aroangolite offers a few specific requests:
- CreateGraph to create a graph
- ListGraphs to list available graphs
- GetGraph to get an existing graph
- DropGraph to delete a graph
db.Run(&arangolite.CreateCollection{Name: "CollectionName"})
db.Run(&arangolite.CreateCollection{Name: "RelationshipCollectionName", Type: 3})
// check graph existence
_, err := db.Run(&arangolite.GetGraph{Name: "GraphName"})
// if graph does not exist, create a new one
if err != nil {
from := make([]string, 1)
from[0] = "FirstCollectionName"
to := make([]string, 1)
to[0] = "SecondCollectionName"
edgeDefinition := arangolite.EdgeDefinition{Collection: "EdgeCollectionName", From: from, To: to}
edgeDefinitions := make([]arangolite.EdgeDefinition, 1)
edgeDefinitions[0] = edgeDefinition
db.Run(&arangolite.CreateGraph{Name: "GraphName", EdgeDefinitions: edgeDefinitions})
// grab the graph
graphBytes, _ := config.DB().Run(&arangolite.GetGraph{Name: "GraphName"})
graph := &arangolite.GraphData{}
json.Unmarshal(graphBytes, &graph)
fmt.Printf("Graph: %+v", graph)
// list existing graphs
listBytes, _ := db.Run(&arangolite.ListGraphs{})
list := &arangolite.GraphList{}
json.Unmarshal(listBytes, &list)
fmt.Printf("Graph list: %+v", list)
// destroy the graph we just created, and the related collections
db.Run(&arangolite.DropGraph{Name: "GraphName", DropCollections: true})
In a similar way than in LoopBack, the filtering system is API client oriented.
Its goal is to provide an easy way of converting JSON filters passed through query strings into an actual AQL query:
// Filter defines a way of filtering AQL queries.
type Filter struct {
Offset int `json:"offset"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
Sort []string `json:"sort"`
Where []map[string]interface{} `json:"where"`
Options []string `json:"options"`
The Options
field implementation is left to the developer.
It is not translated into AQL during the filtering.
Its main goal is to allow a filtering similar to the Include
one in traditional ORMs, as a relation can be a join or a edge in ArangoDB.
Of course, the Options
field can also be used as a more generic option selector (e.g., Options: "Basic"
to only return the basic info about a resource).
"offset": 1,
"limit": 2,
"sort": ["age desc", "money"],
"where": [
{"firstName": "Pierre"},
"or": [
{"birthPlace": ["Paris", "Los Angeles"]},
{"age": {"gte": 18}}
"like": {
"text": "lastName",
"search": "R%",
"case_insensitive": true
"options": ["details"]
LIMIT 1, 2
SORT var.age DESC, ASC
FILTER var.firstName == 'Pierre' && (var.birthPlace IN ['Paris', 'Los Angeles'] || var.age >= 18) && LIKE(var.lastName, 'R%', true)
: Logical AND operator.or
: Logical OR operator.not
: Logical NOT
: Numerical greater than (>); greater than or equal (>=).lt
: Numerical less than (<); less than or equal (<=).eq
: Equal (==); non equal (!=).like
: LIKE(text, search, case_insensitive) function support
func main() {
db := arangolite.New(true)
db.Connect("http://localhost:8000", "testDB", "user", "password")
filter, err := filters.FromJSON(`{"limit": 2}`)
if err != nil {
aqlFilter, err := filters.ToAQL("n", filter)
if err != nil {
r, _ := db.Run(arangolite.NewQuery(`
IN nodes
`, aqlFilter))
nodes := []Node{}
json.Unmarshal(r, &nodes)
fmt.Printf("%v", nodes)
// [
// {
// "_id": "nodes/47473545749",
// "_rev": "47473545749",
// "_key": "47473545749"
// },
// {
// "_id": "nodes/47472824853",
// "_rev": "47472824853",
// "_key": "47472824853"
// }
// ]
Currently, very few methods of the ArangoDB HTTP API are implemented in Arangolite. Fortunately, it is really easy to add your own. There are two ways:
- Using the
method, passing a struct representing the request you want to send.
func (db *DB) Send(description, method, path string, req interface{}) ([]byte, error) {}
- Implementing the
interface. You can then use the regularRun
// Runnable defines requests runnable by the Run and RunAsync methods.
// Queries, transactions and everything in the requests.go file are Runnable.
type Runnable interface {
Description() string // Description shown in the logger
Generate() []byte // The body of the request
Path() string // The path where to send the request
Method() string // The HTTP method to use
Please pull request when you implement some new features so everybody can use it.