
Nose plugin which allows to include/exclude directories for testing by their glob pattern.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


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Nose plugin which allows to include/exclude directories for testing by their glob pattern. This allows to selectively filter which tests are executed.


Plugin adds 3 configuration options to nosetests:

Required option to enable skipnose plugin functionality. Alternatively can be provided as an environment variable NOSE_SKIPNOSE (e.g. add this to .bashrc - export NOSE_SKIPNOSE=1).

This option specifies using glob pattern any folders which nosetests should ignore. This option can also be provided multiple times and alternatively can be provided as a [,;:]-delimited NOSE_SKIPNOSE_EXCLUDE environment variable:

$ nosetests --with-skipnose --skipnose-exclude=foo3 --skipnose-exclude=sub2foo?
$ # is equivalent to
$ NOSE_SKIPNOSE_EXCLUDE=foo3,sub2foo? nosetests --with-skipnose

which would result in the following folders being excluded in the tests:

    sub2foo1/             <= excluded
    sub2foo2/             <= excluded
  foo3/                   <= excluded
    sub1foo3/             <= excluded
    sub2foo3/             <= excluded

This option specifies using glob pattern the only folders nosetests should run. This option can also be provided multiple times. Each given parameter clause will be ANDed. Within each parameter : delimited clauses will be ORed. In addition this parameter can be provided as a [,;:]-delimited ([,;] for AND and [:] for OR) NOSE_SKIPNOSE_INCLUDE environment variable:

$ nosetests --with-skipnose --skipnose-include=foo3 --skipnose-include=sub2foo?
$ # is equivalent to
$ NOSE_SKIPNOSE_INCLUDE=foo3,sub2foo? nosetests --with-skipnose

which would result in only the following folders being included in the tests:

  foo3/                   <= only this will run
    sub2foo3/             <= only this will run

Here is an example when clauses are ORed:

$ nosetests --with-skipnose --skipnose-include=foo3:sub2foo?
$ # is equivalent to
$ NOSE_SKIPNOSE_INCLUDE=foo3:sub2foo? nosetests --with-skipnose

which would result in only the following folders being included in the tests:

    sub2foo1/             <= only this will run
    sub2foo2/             <= only this will run
  foo3/                   <= only this will run
    sub1foo3/             <= only this will run
    sub2foo3/             <= only this will run
This option allows to skip specific test cases via json file. The provided value should be a path to a json file with "skip_tests" key in json which should contain a list of test case names to skip.
This option enabled some extra print statements for debugging to see which folders skipnose includes or excludes.


Nose already has some options to include and exclude directories by using -i or -e options. The exclude mostly works as in this plugin however the difference can be observed in include functionality. Let's consider the following folder tree structure:

    api/                      <= need only subtree
    api/                      <= need only subtree

Now lets imagine that we need to run only tests within tests/foo/api/ and tests/bar/api/. To accomplish that, we would try to provide a regex similar to "api" however that will not work because while determining whether to go inside either foo or bar directories, nose will not match the regex pattern hence will not execute required tests. To solve that, we might provide a more complex regex to account for this such as ^tests/(foo)|(bar)/api however that could be more error-prone since all paths to the api paths will need to be accounted for.

skipnose solve this from the first try by just specifying a simple include pattern "api" (e.g. --skipnose-include=api) and it will just work. Internally before rejecting any folder, skipnose matches all directories within the folder in question subtree. In order words, before rejecting tests/foo, skipnose will test it's subtree for the given glob pattern which will find a match at tests/foo/api hence test/foo will not be rejected. In addition, before rejecting tests/foo/api/subapi since subapi would not match the pattern, skipnose tests any of the parent folders which will allow the subapi to be accepted.

Hopefully this behaviour makes including specific folders and their subtree in the test runner a lot more intuitive and simpler to configure.


To run the tests you need to install testing requirements first:

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Then to run tests, you can use nosetests:

$ nosetests -sv