
Chrome extension to make sites prettier

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pretty Chrome extension makes some sites looks better

This is my work tool, which I use to take screenshots of some news sites.


Feel free to check out this pretty link https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/getstarted/


The rules are stored in /rules/ directory and are named after window.location.hostname.

somesite.com.js should look like this:

rules = [
        sel: "here is your CSS selector (https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp)",
        func: "deleteAll", // | "deleteFirst" | "deleteChildren" | "deleteParent" | "css" | "custom"
        params: {
            "fn": (selector, kwargs) => {
                console.log("In case of custom function other params of rule will be passed to it as object 'kwargs'")
            "any-css-parameter": "for-example"


Killer-feature is that you can use wildcard in your selectors (with ids and classes). This script will fix it.

For example .class-*-name will be converted to [class^="class-"][class$="-name"].

So your rules will remain well readable.

Why write your own?

Really, I shouldn't have to. And I'm really sorry. I used to use script in wonderful User JavaScript and CSS by Dmitry Novikov. Other tools didn't meet my requirements (obviously blah-blah-blah)

But I just needed an easy way to share my tool with colleagues.


Contributions are highly acceptable and very welcome. We have a lot of sites without rules and we want them to look better on screenshots. Even if the news doesn't age very well.

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