Advent of Code 2023


  • Finally give advent of code a good try
  • Learn to write Go
  • Write about the learnings for each task


I'm 16 days late to starting this years advent of code and I'm not entirely sure how long I'll go for.

Before diving into this years AoC, I wanted to set some ground rules and thoughts around how I'd approach it.

  1. I'm learning a new language (Go)
  2. I'm only using the standard library that ships with Go
  3. I'm not peeking into other peoples solutions
  4. I will keep performance in mind while I tackle each day and document the considerations I make with regards to:
    1. Code organization
    2. Scale
    3. Learning Experience

A note on completion tools.

For this AoC I've disabled CoPilot and I am not using any completion tools to help write the code. Instead, I created a GPT specifically for explaining Go concepts. That'll be my go to outside of the Go documentaiton for learning Go. For each day, I'll share the prompts I passed to GoCoach.