
An SSH tunnel to configure resources behind a bastion host

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This terraform module allows to communicate with a resource via an SSH tunnel.

I use it to create and configure databases on AWS RDS instances but it can be used to access any target/port. My RDS instances are connected to private subnets only and, so, cannot be accessed directly by the host I'm running terraform on. Running terraform on a host inside the VPC could be a solution but quite complex to install and manage. The solution I chose was to access my resources via an SSH tunnel on an SSH bastion host. Everything you need is a host which can connect to your private resources and that you can access using SSH (this is generally named 'bastion host').

SSH command and options

By default, the module will use the 'ssh' string to launch the SSH client executable. This implies, among others that running 'ssh ' opens a connection to the bastion host (without asking any confirmation).

But you may need to modify this string if, for instance, you want to:

  • specify an absolute path and/or a different name when your SSH client is not in your path or has a different name (some use 'openssh')
  • Add options to pass to the SSH command like, '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' to avoid failures on non-registered bastions or '-i <key>' to specify an alternate private key.

Specifying an alternate SSH command is done by setting the 'ssh_cmd' variable to the command with options.

Please note that the SSH process inherits your environment, including a possible SSH agent configuration to retrieve your private key.

Target host name resolution

When supplying the target DNS name, note that the name will be resolved by the bastion, not by the host you're running terraform on. So, you can use a private DNS name, like 'xxxx.csdfkzpf0iww.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com' without having to convert it to an IP address first.

Combining multiple providers

As you can see in the example below, using a provider alias is encouraged as it is cleaner and makes it possible from a single provider to combine access to multiple targets, either tunneled or not.


Please note that you MUST reference the 'module.db_tunnel.host' output variable in your provider definition, even if the returned string is always the same. If you don't, terraform won't create the required dependencies to the SSH tunnel and subsequent runs will fail when trying to refresh object states.


# On AWS, if your bastions are in an autoscaling group,here's a way
# to get a public IP address to use as gateway :

data aws_instances bastions {
  instance_tags = {
    "aws:autoscaling:groupName" = "replace_with_bastion_autoscaling_group_name"


module db_tunnel {
  # You can also retrieve this module from the terraform registry
  source       = "flaupretre/tunnel/ssh"
  version      = "1.5.0"

  target_host  = aws_db_instance.mydb.address
  target_port  = aws_db_instance.mydb.port

  gateway_host = data.aws_instances.bastions.public_ips[0]


provider mysql {
  alias    = "tunnel"

  # Always reference 'module.db_tunnel.host' to create the required dependencies
  endpoint = "${module.db_tunnel.host}:${module.db_tunnel.port}"

  # Target credentials
  username = aws_db_instance.mydb.username
  password = aws_db_instance.mydb.password

#---- DB resources

resource mysql_database this {
  provider = mysql.tunnel
  name = local.name

resource mysql_user user {
  provider = mysql.tunnel

You may also be interested by the terraform-ssh-tunnel-databases module, which uses SSH tunnels to manage MySql/PostgreSql databases, roles, and permissions.