
History of past and current talks descriptions and speaker bios (FR, EN)

Talks History

My picture on gravatar

I'm @cyriux on Mastodon.social preferably, @cyriux on Twitter and on LinkedIn

I wrote a book Living Documentation, published by Pearson/Addison-Wesley Professionals after a first life on Leanpub. I also co-wrote the book "Software Craft" in French for Dunod, 2022 with 4 of my Arolla co-workers at the time.

Most days I'm helping development teams and their business friends get better at software design and Domain-Driven Design in particular through talks, workshops and teaching training courses in France and beyond.

Since I've launched the Paris Software Crafters (formerly known as Craftsmanship) Community in 2011 I've been speaking in many conferences a bit everywhere. My talks usually revolve around DDD, Design & Software Craft practices in general. My focus is on exploring our design & collaborative practices to improve our job of working with software in the long term. Related to that, an important goal in my talks and my book is to make design skills more popular for a mainstream audience, while being fun and entertaining.


I do a lot of short to medium-term consulting for companies of all types and sizes, mostly in France and in various domains like trading, financial services, distribution, agriculture, accounting etc. My practice draws on a deep practice of software developments over two decades, using Domain-Driven Design and with a focus on software as a large-scale, complex (and not just complicated), hybrid (technology & humans), adaptive system.

I perform this consulting activity as part of Arolla, as we are specialized in helping clients achieve the benfits they are looking for from their software systems (which includes both the software itself and the people involved, of course).

Examples of consulting work

  • Identification of the boundaries for splitting a monolith into smaller services in a microservices architecture, or modules within a modular monolith, typically in the context of moving to a PaaS
  • Identification of the boundaries for splitting components and the related teams to scale the software delivery with less coordination cost
  • Identification of the contexts and opportunities for renovating a large legacy in a progressive and cost-effectice way, without pretending it can be planed precisely upfront
  • Modeling the challenging parts of a business domain, using all the techniques from Domain-Driven Design and from many years of experience across many sectors
  • Constructive assessment of a software organizations, for due diligence, to improve a situation, to tackle a risk or understand a failure
  • Interviews and workshops to converge on a good consensus between a group of stakeholders, to unleash strong commitment to action

How I do that in practice

  • Interviews & collaborative workshops using tools like Context Mapping, Event-Storming, Impact Mapping, Wardley mapping etc.
  • Reviews of business & technical documents, code reviews, walkthroughs of technical systems
  • Sometime pair or mob-programming with a few developers to study a particular aspect
  • Frequent presentations of the findings so far, to get immediate feedbacks and never surprise the people involved
  • Formal presentations to development teams, product people, management and senior management
  • Internal training on the whole chain of software delivery




A review of my book on Infoq: https://www.infoq.com/articles/book-review-living-documentation/

Conference Keynotes

  • DDD Europe 2016 (Bruxelles)
  • Codeur en Seine 2014 (Rouen)
  • Sunny Tech 2019 (Montpellier)

Conference Talks & Workshops

  • DDD Europe since 2016 (Brussels then Amsterdam)
  • NewCrafts since 2015 (Paris)
  • Devoxx France since 2012 (Paris)
  • muCon (formerly DDDx London) since 2012 (London)
  • P3X since 2018 (London)
  • Oredev 2013 (Malmö)
  • FlowCon (formerly Lean Kanban France) 2016, 2019 (Paris)
  • DDDx New-York City 2014 (US)
  • Agile Hong-Kong 2016 (HK)
  • GeeCon Krakow 2017, Prague 2018
  • ITAKE Bucharest 2012, 2015
  • Software Craftsmanship London 2018
  • Agile France 2013-2016
  • Scrum Day Paris 2013, 2015
  • Socrates Germany 2012, 2014, 2015, Socrates France, Codefreeze
  • Agile tour Lille, Bordeaux, Grenoble etc. BDX.IO, Codeurs en Seine, NewCraft Bordeaux, Sunny Tech...

For example in 2015 I spoke at 19 events.

Also member of the Devoxx France Program Commitee from 2015 to 2017.

Infoq article on my DDD Europe keynote: Working with Domain Experts in a DDD World

My Slides on SpeakerDeck or My old slides on Slideshare for example: http://www.slideshare.net/cyriux/ur-domain-haz-monoids

Some of my past videos online, and feedbacks: Youtube playlist, including two most popular (French):

A (not up-to-date) list of my past speaking history is on Lanyrd (provided Lanyrd is not down), or on Eventil.


Thanks DDD Europe! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jbqly9ixetlahnb/AAAzkW35ppT4-77cqeYndOSHa?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/igzys0ovl2wj0ha/AADOG9c5fdoQlBo6NtxkgvGta/Workshops/Cyrille%20Martraire?dl=0&subfolder_nav_tracking=1