A MKLocalSearchCompleter and MKLocalSearch manage writen in Swift.
LocalSearchManager uses Carthage for distribution.
LocalSearchManager is available on iOS and requires 9.3
Add Carthage files to .gitignore #Carthage Carthage/Build
Check your Carthage Version to make sure Carthage is installed locally: Carthage version
Create a CartFile to manage your dependencies: Touch CartFile
Open the Cartfile and add this as a dependency. (in OGDL): github "sevenapps/LocalSearchManager" "master"
Update your project to include the framework: Carthage update --platform iOS
Add the framework to 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries' in the Xcode Project by dragging and dropping the framework created in Carthage/Build/iOS/LocalSearchManager.framework
Add this run Script /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
Add this input file to the run script $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/LocalSearchManager.framework
If Xcode has issues finding your framework Add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS To 'Framework Search Paths' in Build Settings
Initilize this manager by conforming to its delegate, and setting a searchSpan the center coordinate of the search region is set when starting the search request.
UpdateSearchRequest will callBack searchCompleter(returnedResults) with a list of the found results matching a query fragement in real time.
Once you have a result you'd like to grab the exact location of, call findExactLocation which will call back localSearch(ReturnedMapItems)