This is an application using Ionic Framework v3.13.0.

Useless application but helpful to understand Cordova, its plugins and the Ionic Framework .
This project aims to learn how to use cordova plugins and to discover Ionic Framework thus the errors are not handled.!!!;)
In order to use the app, make sure to create a file : apiKey.ts in src/app and export the google maps API key as well as the API Key : see the example below

export var mapApiKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
export var weatherApiKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

App Description

The app has a side menu with 4 menus

  • Home Page
  • Collaborateurs
  • Remote Collaborateurs
  • Fingerprints

The app is fetching a list of "contacts (Collaborateurs)" from a RestFul WebService and displays them in a page "Remote Collaborateurs".
From this list we can import the collaborateur into the app collaborateur list (using the storage plugin to save them) or into the contact phone.
The detail page of a collaborateur allows us to find out the location (using google maps) as well as the weather (using the API for this collaborateur's address.

Components and Plugins used throughout this project

Plugins used for this app :

  • Contact
  • Sms
  • Sqlite Storage
  • Geolocation
  • Google Maps

I created 4 differents services : (not really well organized but it does the job !)

  • collaborateur.service.ts (src/app) => get the list, add and update a collaborateur
  • remoteCollaborateur.service.ts (src/app) => fetch the collabroteurs list from a WebService
  • map.service.ts (src/app) => fetch the coordonates(latitude and longitude) from a given address
  • weather.ts (src/providers/weather/weather.ts) => fetch the weather for a given address
    • Screenshots