kakoune themes
color schemes for kakoune (now with transparent selections)
This repo is also my personal config for kakoune
Ayu-mirage color scheme
Background color #1F2430
Ayu-dark color scheme
Background color #0A0E14
Pastel color scheme
Background color #2B2E33
Warm color scheme
Background color #222120
Cherry color scheme
Background color #23232F
Berry color scheme
Background color #2C2C2C
Cyanide color scheme
Background color #171A1F
Undoo color scheme
Background color #101010
Monokai color scheme
monokai syntax is different than the sublime's monokai
Background color #2C2C2D
One-dark color scheme
Background color #282C34
Mygruvbox color scheme
mygruvbox is almost identical to original gruvbox {whitespace color is dimmed & few other minor changes}
gruvbox name was already taken so i have to resort to mygruvbox
Background color #282828
By default background color is set to terminal's default
add colors to ~/.config/kak/
cp colors ~/.config/kak/ -r
adding syntax for brackets and functions
- to modify syntax highlighting for a file type modify /usr/share/kak/rc/filetype/your_file_type.kak
- for example to modify syntax highlighting for python modify /usr/share/kak/rc/filetype/python.kak
- for shell file type (bash, zsh etc) /usr/share/kak/rc/filetype/sh.kak
you can just copy filetype from the repo (you have to be root)
# cp filetype/* /usr/share/kak/rc/filetype/ -r
or you can manually add regexes
add this regex for functions
'[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\(+' 0:function
add this regex for class
'[^a-z][A-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]+' 0:class
add this regex for constant
'[A-Z]+[^a-z]+' 0:constant
add this regex for arguement
'\([a-zA-Z, ._]+\)' 0:arguement
add this regex for builtin
'__[a-zA-Z_0-9]+__' 1:builtin
add this regex for brackets
'[(){}\[\]]' 0:bracket
add this regex for comma
'[,]' 0:comma
for example (python.kak)
add these line (probably in middle or somewhere)
add-highlighter shared/python/code/ regex '[a-zA-Z_0-9]+(+' 0:function
add-highlighter shared/python/code/ regex '[(){}[]]' 0:bracket
see filetypes for more info
Cherry theme - https://github.com/nullxception/cherry-vscode
Gruvbox theme - https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox
One Dark theme - https://github.com/atom/one-dark-syntax
Ayu theme - https://github.com/dempfi/ayu
Transparent Selections - https://github.com/caksoylar/kakoune-mysticaltutor