Simple API interface for downloading files. For basic usage use login
and download_file
Defined interface:
class WebshareAPI:
def login(self, user_name, password):
"""Logs {user_name} in Webshare API"""
def download_file(self, url, dest_path):
"""Downloads file in {url} to {dest_path}"""
def hash_password(self, user_name, password, salt):
"""Creates password hash used by Webshare API"""
def get_salt(self, user_name):
"""Retrieves salt for password hash from"""
def get_file_id(self, url):
"""Return file_id for given webshare URL"""
def get_download_link(self, file_id):
"""Query actual download link from {file_id}"""
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$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install .