
discord bot to check northstar's servers and status

Primary LanguageGo

northstar bot

Written in JS by hummusbird

Rewritten in rust by H0L0

Rewritten (again) in Go by cyrv6737


Use a file called bot.env next to the bot binary with the following:

TOKEN=<discord token here>
PREFIX=<whatever prefix>

Slash Commands

status                 - a general overview of northstar.tf

search                 - search northstar servers in various ways

list                   - displays various useful lists

link                   - sends various useful links

info                   - displays information about the bot

redeem                 - redeem scorchbucks

Prefix Commands

,help                   - displays these commands

,status                 - a general overview of northstar.tf

,search title [string]  - searches server titles

,search mode [gamemode] - searches all servers running that mode

,search map [map]       - searches all servers running that map

,playlistvars           - lists playlist variables

,modes                  - lists all Titanfall 2 gamemodes

,maps                   - lists all Titanfall 2 maps

,host                   - link to hummusbird's server tutorial

,wiki                   - link to the Northstar Wiki

,github                 - link to the Northstar Github 

,info                   - displays information about the bot