
CLDF: Cross-linguistic Data Formats

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CLDF: Cross-linguistic Data Formats

Table of Contents

Conformance Levels

A CLDF dataset is

While the JSON-LD dialect to be used for metadata according to the Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data can be edited by hand, this may already be beyond what can be expected by typical linguists. Thus, CLDF specifies two conformance levels for datasets: metadata-free or extended.

Metadata-free conformance

A dataset can be CLDF conformant without providing a separate metadata description file. To do so, the dataset must exactly follow the default specification for the appropriate module regarding:

  • file names
  • column names (for specified columns)
  • CSV dialect

Thus, rather than not having any metadata, the dataset does not specify any; and instead it falls back to using the defaults, i.e. "free" as in "beer" not as in "gluten-free". The CSV file may contain additional columns not specified in the default module descriptions.

The default file names and column names are described in components. The default CSV dialect is RFC4180 using the UTF-8 character encoding, i.e. use the CSV dialect specified by

  "encoding": "utf-8",
  "lineTerminators": ["\r\n", "\n"],
  "quoteChar": "\"",
  "doubleQuote": true,
  "skipRows": 0,
  "commentPrefix": "#",
  "header": true,
  "headerRowCount": 1,
  "delimiter": ",",
  "skipColumns": 0,
  "skipBlankRows": false,
  "skipInitialSpace": false,
  "trim": false

Some of the effects of this metadata-free conformance are:

  • The first line of each file must contain the comma-separated list of column names.
  • No comment lines are allowed.

Extended conformance

A dataset is CLDF conformant if it uses a custom metadata file, derived from the default profile for the appropriate module, possibly overriding/customizing:

  • the CSV dialect description (possibly per table), e.g. to:
    • allow comment lines (if appropriately prefixed with commentPrefix)
    • omit a header line (if appropriately indicated by "header": false)
    • use tab-separated data files (if appropriately indicated by "delimiter": ",")
  • the table property url
  • the column property titles
  • the inherited column properties
  • adding common properties,
  • adding foreign keys, to specify relations between tables of the dataset.

Thus, using extended conformance via metadata, a dataset may

  • use tab-separated data files,
  • use non-standard file names,
  • use non-standard column names,
  • add metadata describing attribution and provenance of the data,
  • specify relations between multiple tables in a dataset,
  • supply default values for required columns like Language_ID, using virtual columns.

In particular, since the metadata description resides in a separate file, it is often possible to retrofit existing CSV files into the CLDF framework by adding a metadata description.

CLDF Ontology

CLDF data uses terms from the CLDF Ontology, as specified in the file terms.rdf, to mark TableGroup or Table objects which have special meaning within the CLDF framework.

The CLDF Ontology also provides a set of properties to attach semantics to individual columns. While many of these properties are similar (or identical) to properties defined elsewhere - most notably in the General Ontology for Linguistic Description - GOLD - we opted for inclusion to avoid ambiguity, but made sure to reference the related related properties in the Ontology.

Note that the column names in the default table descriptions (e.g. formTable) are not always the same as the column properties. Each column has both a csvw:name and a separate propertyURL linking the column to the ontology. Each property also has a rdf:label which might also be different.

An more easily readable list of all properties is available in the file properties.md. Please note that this file is just for easier reference, but is not normative: in case of discrepancy, the description in terms.rdf holds.

Note: For better human readability the CLDF Ontology should be visited with a browser capable of rendering XSLT - such as Firefox.

CLDF Dataset

CLDF Metadata file

A CLDF dataset is described with metadata provided as JSON file following the Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data. To make tooling simpler, we restrict the metadata specification as follows:

  • Metadata files must specify a tables property on top-level, i.e. must describe a TableGroup. While this adds a bit of verbosity to the metadata description, it makes it possible to describe mutiple tables in one metadata file.
  • The common property dc:conformsTo of the TableGroup is used to indicate the CLDF module, e.g. "dc:conformsTo": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#Wordlist"
  • The common property dc:conformsTo of a Table is used to associate tables with a particular role in a CLDF module using appropriate classes from the CLDF Ontology.
  • If each row in the data file corresponds to a resource on the web (i.e. a resource identified by a dereferenceable HTTP URI), the tableSchema property should provide an aboutUrl property.
  • If individual cells in a row correspond to resources on the web, the corresponding column specification should provide a valueUrl property.

Each dataset should provide a dataset distribution description using the DCAT vocabulary. This will make it easy to catalog cross-linguistic datasets. In particular, each dataset description should include properties

  • dc:bibliographicCitation and
  • dc:license.

Thus, an example for a CLDF dataset description could look as follows:

  "@context": "http://www.w3.org/ns/csvw",
  "dc:conformsTo": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#StructureDataset",
  "dc:title": "The Dataset",
  "dc:bibliographicCitation": "Cite me like this!",
  "dc:license": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/",
  "null": "?",
  "tables": [
      "url": "ds1.csv",
      "dc:conformsTo": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#ValueTable",
      "tableSchema": {
        "columns": [
            "name": "ID",
            "datatype": "string",
            "propertyUrl": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#id"
            "name": "Language_ID",
            "datatype": "string",
            "propertyUrl": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#languageReference",
            "valueUrl": "http://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/{Language_ID}"
            "name": "Parameter_ID",
            "datatype": "string",
            "propertyUrl": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#parameterReference"
            "name": "Value",
            "datatype": "string",
            "propertyUrl": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#value"
            "name": "Comment",
            "datatype": "string",
            "propertyUrl": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#comment"
            "name": "Source",
            "datatype": "string",
            "propertyUrl": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#source"
            "name": "Glottocode",
            "virtual": true,
            "propertyUrl": "http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#glottocode",
            "valueUrl": "{Language_ID}"
        "aboutUrl": "http://example.org/valuesets/{ID}",
        "primaryKey": "ID"

CLDF Data files

While it is possible to add any kind of CSV files to a CLDF dataset, the CLDF standard recognizes (and attaches specified semantics) to tables described with a common property dc:conformsTo with one of the table type URIs of the CLDF ontology as value.

Additionally, CLDF semantics can be assigned to individual columns by assigning one of the property URIs defined in the CLDF ontology as propertyUrl.

Note: CLDF column properties are assumed to have a complete row (or rather the entity a row stores data about) as scope; e.g. a source column is assumed to provide source information for any piece of data in the row. Thus, each property can be used only once per table, which makes processing simpler.


Each CLDF data table should contain a column which uniquely identifies a row in the table. This column must be marked using

  • a propertyUrl of http://cldf.cld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#id
  • the column name ID in the case of metadata-free conformance.

To allow usage of identifiers as path components of URIs and ensure they are portable across systems, identifiers must be composed of alphanumeric characters, underscore _ and hyphen - only, i.e. match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+ (see rfc3986).

Following our design goal to reference rather than duplicate data, identifiers may be used to reference existing entities (e.g. Glottolog languages, WALS features, etc.). This can be done as follows:

  • If the identifier can be interpreted as links to other entities, e.g. using the WALS three-letted language codes to identify languages, this should be indicated by assigning the column an appropriate valueUrl property, e.g. http://wals.info/languoid/lect/wals_code_{ID}
  • If the identifier follows a specified identification scheme, e.g. ISO 639-3 for languages, this can be indicated by adding a virtual column with a suitable propertyUrl to the table's list of columns.


Considering that any single step in collecting (cross-)linguistic data involves some amount of analysis and judgement calls, it is essential to make it easy to trace assertions back to their source.

Each CLDF data table may contain a column listing sources for the data asserted in the row. This column must be marked using

  • a propertyUrl of http://cldf.cld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#source
  • the column name Source in the case of metadata-free conformance.

Sources are specified as semicolon-separated source specifications, of the form source_ID[source context], e.g. meier2015[3-12] where meier2015 is a citation key in the accompanying sources file.

Foreign keys

Often cross-linguistic data is relational, e.g. cognate judgements group forms into cognate sets, creating a many-to-many relationship between a FormTable and a CognatesetTable.

To make such relations explicit, the CLDF Ontology provides a set of reference properties.

Reference properties are interpreted as optional foreign key, i.e.

  • if a table1.csv makes reference to a table2.csv, and both are part of the dataset, then mentioning the ID from table2 in a column of table1 (typically using the column-name table2_ID) is sufficient as a reference, and this is implicit equivalent to a foreignKeys property of table1.csv:
  "columns": [
      "name": "table2_ID",
  "foreignKeys": [
           "columnReference": "table2_ID",
           "reference": {
               "resource": "table2.csv",
               "columnReference": "ID"
  • otherwise values in the column are interpreted as identifiers of the referenced entities (in which case the actual entities can only be resolved by context or via additonal valueUrl properties on the column).

Sources reference file

References to sources - if not referenced by Glottolog ID - can be supplied as part of a CLDF dataset as an UTF-8 encoded BibTeX file (with the citation keys serving as local Source IDs). The filename of this BibTeX file must be either:

  • sources.bib in case of metadata-free conformance
  • or specified as top-level common property dc:source in the dataset's metadata.

CLDF Modules

Much like Dublin Core Application Profiles, CLDF Modules group terms of the CLDF Ontology into tables. Thus, CLDF module specifications are recommendations for groups of tables modeling typical cross-linguistic datatypes. Currently, the CLDF specification recognizes the following modules:

In addition, a CLDF dataset can be specified as Generic, imposing no requirements on tables or columns. Thus, Generic datasets are a way to evolve new data types (to become recognized modules), while already providing (generic) tool support.

In the CLDF Ontology modules are modeled as subclasses of dcat:Distribution, thus additional metadata as recommended in the DCAT specification should be provided.

For each type of CLDF dataset there is a CLDF module, i.e. a default metadata profile describing the required tables, columns and datatypes. metadata-free conformance means data files will be read as if they were accompanied by the corresponding default metadata.

CLDF Components

Some types of cross-linguistic data may be part of different CLDF modules. These types are specified as components in a way that can be re-used across modules (typically as table descriptions, which can be appended to the tables property of a module's metadata).

A component corresponds to a certain type of data. Thus, to make sure all instances of such a type have the same set of properties, we allow at most one component for each type in a CLDF dataset.


To stipulate further discussion and help experiments with tools, some examples of CLDF datasets are available in the examples directory.


  • Using UTF-8 as character encoding means editing these files with MS Excel is not completely trivial, because Excel assumes cp1252 as default character encoding - Libre Office Calc on the other hand handles these files just fine.
  • The tool support for csv files is getting better and better due to the hype around "data science". Some particularly useful tools are


Changes to the CLDF specification will be released as new versions, using a Semantic Versioning number scheme. While older versions can be accessed via releases of this repository or from ZENODO, where releases will be archived, the latest released version is also reflected in the master branch of this repository, i.e. whatever you see navigating the directory tree at https://github.com/glottobank/cldf reflects the latest released version of the specification.


Work on this proposal for a cross-linguistic data format was triggered by the LANCLID 2 workshop held in April 2015 in Leipzig - in particular by Harald Hammarström's presentation A Proposal for Data Interface Formats for Cross-Linguistic Data.