Apicurio Service Registry Example - Avro

This project shows how to use the Apicurio Service Registry to manage Apache Kafka data schemas. This example uses the Avro data format messages to and from a local cluster.

Apache Kafka Cluster and Apicurio Service Registry

First you need an Apache Kafka cluster. You can follow the instructions from the Apache Kafka website or use the docker-compose.yaml file in this project.

Using Local Environment

To start the local development cluster and registry:

  1. Be sure Docker Desktop is running.

  2. Open a terminal window and execute the following command:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up
  3. Wait until all the components are up and running.

Start Application

The application is based on Quarkus (using Java 8) so it can be started executing the following command:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

This will start the application in the Confluent schema registry compatibility mode.

Apicurio Serializer and Deserializer

To use the Apicurio Avro Serializer and Deserializer:

  1. Open the application.properties file

  2. Uncomment the value.serializer properties to use the io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.AvroKafkaSerializerand io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.AvroKafkaDeserializer classes instead.

  3. Comment the same lines that use the io.confluent.kafka.* packages

    # mp.messaging.outgoing.price-out.value.serializer=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer
    # mp.messaging.incoming.price-in.value.deserializer=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer
  4. Uncomment the property using the apicurio registry

  5. Comment the property using the schema registry

    # mp.messaging.incoming.price-in.schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8080/confluent

To test that everything is workin start again the application with the new configuration values:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev