
Prometheus Scrapping Error

thiruvens opened this issue · 1 comments


while scrapping metrics page of cytopia container by prometheus , following message is logged at prometheus. could please help to fix it.

level=warn ts=2020-01-16T16:33:52.682948027Z caller=scrape.go:835 component="scrape manager" scrape_pool=k8s_usage target=http://localhost:9100/metrics msg="append failed" err="strconv.P
arseFloat: parsing "5761140264n": invalid syntax"
level=warn ts=2020-01-16T16:34:02.668555018Z caller=scrape.go:835 component="scrape manager" scrape_pool=k8s_usage target=http://localhost:9100/metrics msg="append failed" err="strconv.P
arseFloat: parsing "226202814n": invalid syntax"
level=warn ts=2020-01-16T16:34:12.647209977Z caller=scrape.go:835 component="scrape manager" scrape_pool=k8s_usage target=http://localhost:9100/metrics msg="append failed" err="strconv.P
arseFloat: parsing "226202814n": invalid syntax"

This is because of the string "226202814n". After calculate nanocores to cores as int or float the problem should be solved.