
A port forwarding tool with cross-platform support.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Portbridge GitHub Release Go Report Card GitHub License

Portbridge is a port forwarding tool with cross-platform support.


  • Cross-Platform Support (Linux / Windows / Darwin)
  • TCP and UDP Forward Support
  • IPv4 and IPv6 Mutual Forward Support
  • TCP and UDP Bandwidth Limit Support
  • Batch Port Forwarding Rules Support


  portbridge [OPTIONS]

  -s, --source=          Source address and port to bind locally
  -d, --destination=     Destination address and port to connect remotely
  -p, --protocol=        Source protocol type (e.g., tcp, udp)
  -b, --bandwidth-limit= Bandwidth limit in KiB (default: 0)
      --udp-buffer-size= UDP data forwarding buffer size in bytes (default: 1024)
      --udp-timeout=     UDP data forwarding time out in second (default: 5)
  -f, --rules-file=      Batch port forwarding rules file path
  -g, --gen-rules-file   Generate an example rules file for reference and modification
  -l, --log-file=        Path to the logfile where logs will be written
  -h, --help             Print help message
  -v, --version          Print the version number


  • Access the Cloudflare DNS (ipv6) via with 100 udp buffer size
portbridge -s -d [2606:4700:4700::1111]:53 -p udp --udp-buffer-size=100
  • Resolve the issue of Terraria not supporting game join via an ipv6 address
portbridge -s -d [::1]:7777 -p tcp
  • Expose local TCP port 8080 to 8081 with a bandwidth limit of 1 MiB
portbridge -s :8081 -d -p tcp -b 1024
  • Execute the above examples in rules_example.json(or rules_example.yaml, which in the release files)
portbridge -f rules_example.json