
Project template for building Fastapi services in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Project Template for building Rest API

Made With Love py_version version

A projet template created by Cookiecutter to automate projects creation for REST API development.


Project Structure

First of all, we illustrate the project structure by describing each file and directory created in this template.

├── .dockerignore
├── .gitignore
├── .isort.cfg                       # isort config file (sort imports)
├── CHANGELOG.md                     # autogenerated file by devmoji
├── data
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── docs                             # documentation and examples
├── Makefile                         # predefined command lines
├── models                           # serialized ML/DL models
├── notebooks                        # all notebooks for data exploration
├── pytest.ini                       # pytest config file
├── release.py                       # update version and quality code
├── README.md
├── tests                            # unit and ML tests
│  ├── __init__.py
│  ├── conftest.py                   # conftest file for pytest
│  ├── test_api                      # api unit tests
│  │  ├── __init__.py
│  │  └── test_webservice.py
│  └── test_ml                       # ML tests
│     └── __init__.py
├── TODO.org                         # todo list in org mode file
├── tox.ini                          # tox config file
└── {{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}  # project subdirectory (main dir)
   ├── __init__.py
   ├── core                          # api config directory
   │  ├── __init__.py
   │  ├── event_handlers.py          # event handlers config (e.g: api start)
   │  ├── middlewares.py             # middlewares config (e.g: request_id)
   │  ├── settings.py                # api settings, global variables... etc
   │  └── setup_logger.py            # logger configuration (e.g: log format)
   ├── db                            # database communication functions
   │  └── __init__.py
   ├── main.py                       # main file to start the API
   ├── routes                        # routes dir
   │  ├── __init__.py                # global routes store
   │  ├── hello_route.py             # default route created
   │  └── schemas.py                 # schemas for input/output validation
   └── utils                         # utility functions
      └── __init__.py


To generate a new project from this template, first you should install the following packages:


Cookiecutter is a command-line utility that creates projects from templates. You can install it using pip:

pip install cookiecutter

Or, using Homebrew (Mac OS X only):

brew install cookiecutter


To make dependencies installation easier, we use Poetry as a dependency manager. You can install it using pip:

pip install poetry

Or, using Homebrew (Mac OS X only):

brew install poetry


Devmoji is a command line tool that adds color 🌈 to conventional commits, using emojis inspired by Gitmoji 😜. Some of the things Devmoji can do:

  • emojify: convert input between diferent emoji formats unicode, shortcode and devmoji. devmoji are easy to remember aliases like: :test:, :refactor:, :docs:, :security instead of hard to remember emoji codes
  • git commit: install a prepare-commit-msg commit hook to ✨ automagically emojify and lints your commit message
  • git log: emojify and colorify the output of git log even for projects not using emojis

You can install devmoji using npm or yarn:

npm install -g devmoji
yarn global add devmoji

Get Started

To initiate a new project using this template, you can simply use:

cookiecutter https://github.com/cyuss/fastapi-template.git

Then you need to setup python environment and install some dependencies. For that, you can use the predefined commands in Makefile.

 bake                           Init a poetry env and installing some useful packages (run this first).
                                Install poetry with `pip install poetry`.
 build_docker                   Build a Docker container based on Dockerfile.
 clean                          Delete unwanted files.
 clean_docker                   Stop and delete the container.
 cloc                           Count blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code.
 code_metrics                   Compute various metrics from the source code (code quality).
 coverage                       Run coverage tests.
 dcup                           Build Docker compose.
 devmoji                        Init devmoji (add emojis to commit messages).
                                Install it with `npm install -g devmoji`.
 doc                            Generate MkDocs documentation and serve.
 format                         Format the source code using black.
 format_check                   Check what to change using black.
 isort                          Sort the imports using isort.
 lock                           Generate `poetry.lock` file for dependencies.
 mypy                           Run mypy for data type check
 release                        Update version and quality code rank in Makefile, pyproject.tml 
                                and README files.
 reqs                           Generate a requirements.txt file.
 reqs_dev                       Generate a requirements_dev.txt file.
 run_docker                     Run the built Docker container.
 start                          Start the API locally.
 test                           Run unit tests.
 update_deps                    Update dependencies.

First command to execute is:

make bake

It inits a poetry environment and install following dependencies used for this workflow:

  • fastapi, uvicorn, requests (web framework tools for building API with Python),
  • loguru (logging library),
  • pytest, pytest-cov, tox (for unit/ml tests)

Once everything is installed, you can now start building your API. To get fancy and organized commit messages, you should setup devmoji with:

make devmoji

It configs devmoji as a prepare-commit hook in git without using a third-party package. devmoji automatically add emojis corresponding to commit type (cf. Conventional commits)

P.S: this step is optional, you can ignore it if you wanna keep traditional commit messages.

Conventional commits

To keep the commit history explicit, clean and organized, it's interesting to follow a set of rules that define a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. Inspired by conventional commits, a commit message should be structured as follows:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

The <type> describes the commit type and takes the following values:

- ✨   :feat:          feat: a new feature
- 🐛   :fix:           fix: a bug fix
- 📚️   :docs:          docs: documentation only changes
- 🎨   :style:         style: changes that do not affect the meaning of the code
                       (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
- ♻️    :refactor:      refactor: a code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- ⚡️    :perf:          perf: a code change that improves performance
- 🚨   :test:          test: adding missing or correcting existing tests
- 🔧   :chore:         chore: changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and
                       libraries such as documentation generation
- 🚀   :chore-release: chore(release): code deployment or publishing to external repositories
- 🔗   :chore-deps:    chore(deps): add or delete dependencies
- 📦️   :build:         build: changes related to build processes
- 👷   :ci:            ci: updates to the continuous integration system
- ⚙️    :config:        config: Changing configuration files.
- 🔒️   :security:      security: Fixing security issues.

P.S: If devmoji is configued (using the makefile command), it adds an emojy to every commit message according to its type.